Talk to Us

Since the early stages of AG Salesworks in 2001, the co-founders had a vision of approaching sales lead generation a bit differently.

We viewed training as more than just setting a sales development representative (SDR) in front of a product demo and giving the SDR a target list to call and expect a large volume of sales qualified leads. The AG Salesworks mantra was and continues to be, a focus on continual training and the investment in SDRs who are looking to succeed and further develop their skills.


The foundation of our training is comprised of knowledge from our tenure of the ever-changing landscape of cold calling and prospecting. From the beginning, we understood that for sales development reps to truly internalize our best practices it wasn’t about simply telling them but SHOWING them our best-in-class process and strategies!

14 years later, after working on 400+ client engagements and training hundreds of Sales Development Representatives it’s safe to say that we are continuing to perfect our prospecting process. The goal of AG Salesworks' certification program is to provide hungry sales reps with a thirst for advancement access to all that we’ve learned over that timeframe. We have focused on 5 core training competencies that truly matter the most to the modern day SDR.


Leadership Team

AG Salesworks is comprised of top sales development executives with over 50 years of combined experience.  We have been setting the standard for high-quality, innovative sales development since 2002. Utilizing our successful history we have made it our goal to certify and enable the next generation of closers to launch their sales development career and succeed.  By providing our industry knowledge and exclusive resources for testing, training, and professional advice we are giving back to both, you and the industry.

A note from the Co-Founder

“The sales development function is at a crossroads. The demand for sales development talent has never been higher while the investment in the professional development of entry level sales talent has never been lower. AG Salesworks has made it our mission to use our 15 years of sales development expertise to fill that professional development void and make sure the demand for talent is flooded with the highest caliber of candidate.“

Peter Gracey Co-Founder and Strategic Advisor

Refine Your Sales Development Skills and Stand Out

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