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Inside Sales Reps: What Are Some of Your Personal Goals?


Working in a sales-oriented job, inside sales reps have numerous goals to hit on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. But there are other goals to set besides the money-based ones. What personal goals can you set as an inside sales rep? One of the many things I love about AG is that we have various people with whom to discuss how to improve our prospecting skills in order to achieve our targets.

Let's compare a month in sales to a month training for a race. For your racing goals, you might want to start off with simple workouts in order to build up and hit a personal best by race time. For your sales goals, the process is similar. Start off with small daily goals like hitting an activity number, whether it is what your organization requires or an even loftier goal you want to push yourself towards. If you are facing objections, a goal could be trying to circumvent these objections with a list of thought-out reasons why the prospect should continue to speak with you. As the month goes on, you will build up confidence and have better quality conversations because you'll be trying out new objection handling tricks, just like runners try out new workouts and routes to train before the big race. By the end of the month, everyone is in good shape and ready to kill it!

Your managers and directors are great coaches and they can act as resources to give you tips and tricks to better achieve your goals, both monetary and personal. They will always be there to help you hit company goals. You can utilize your team for personal goals as well. They have been doing their job for a long time, and they have experience with issues you may be facing. Use management as a resource to improve prospecting skills and learn about your strengths and weaknesses.

Some personal goals I recommend for inside sales reps are:

  • Create new ways to handle objections
  • Get more people live every day by focusing on timing calls
  • Go above and beyond a monthly goal
  • Take on extra projects once comfortable (blogging, social media, training, etc.)
  • Manage time better throughout the day or week
  • Establish a comfortable connection with clients and/or team players

Learn new ways to motivate yourself to be a better teleprospector by setting yourself achievable goals that you'll be proud to hit. What personal goals have you set?

How to Motivate Your Inside Sales Team to Succeed

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