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Everyone Can Do More With New B2B Technology


Talking About My Generation And Yours

One of the most common ways we tend to define generational gaps today is by the way we think about B2B technology and how we let it influence our lives and our work. 

I can say that with some authority. Even though we here at Engage are advanced technology users in our daily work, at times I still find it a little mystifying how younger generations are using technology. (Can someone please explain to me the legitimate appeal of Snapchat?)

It’s okay to say no to chasing every trend that pops up in the digital zeitgeist, but you owe it to yourself and to the organization you lead to keep an open mind about how new technologies can help you improve your work as a B2B sales leader.

How we perceive and apply new things.

To illustrate, have a look at this recent survey of Fortune 500 CEOs. While it suggests “80% of them find communication across generations to be a most challenging issue in the workplace,” it goes on to explain that the real issue isn’t a matter of who is or isn’t using new technology.

The challenge is in how it is perceived, and in the assumptions we make about how it’s applied to the workplace—especially in the workplaces of our buyers.

Technology is not a replacement for communicating with people. It does not render obsolete the time-honored business skill of building a great rapport with others. It enhances that skill.

It does not mean you no longer have to conduct regular follow-ups with prospects directly. It means you have a greater selection of tools at your disposal to do so, and you must choose those tools that are most important to your buyers.

It doesn’t mean you should just start messaging all your clients via LinkedIn rather than picking up the phone or arranging face-to-face meetings, but maybe there’s a way it can improve your workflow and give you better results in less time with those buyers that are on LinkedIn.

Do your reseach. Since you and your sales team do your jobs well, you’ll have already developed a deep, detailed profile on each person you do business with (you’ve done that, right?). You’ll know which ones are open to using which new technology platforms and new approaches to achieve sales goals that matter on both sides of the negotiating table.

Timely versus timeless goals.

Accelerating sales to more people in less time is a timeless goal. What’s changed are the range of choices you have in how you achieve that goal, and the degree of openness to which people are willing to try new things.

I have a client with whom I negotiated and closed a major contract—all via text message. That happened only because I knew them well and understood this was a method of staying connected that they were comfortable with. Just as important, I understood how much they valued their time and the ability to make decisions quickly. So I used a tool that helped both of us meet those needs.

Consider your outcomes.

Here’s a simple test you can apply to your team when faced with the choice of whether to introduce a new technology into your sales process.

1) Does it get you measurably closer to your customer, either in terms of gaining regular face time or a deeper understanding of who they are and what matters to them?

2) Does using it save time for both parties without undermining the quality of the buying experience?

3) Does adding it to your workflow reduce the number of steps required to complete a business transaction while maintaining great personal rapport?

If you can answer yes to these questions, odds are good you’re making a smart choice that will help you land more business and foster deeper relationships with customers and prospects.

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About the Author   |   Colleen Francis

Sales expert, best-selling author and founder of Engage Selling (, Colleen Francis arms her clients with innovative and proven sales strategies that deliver results. Start improving your sales today with her The Sales Leader newsletter – packed with cutting edge insights from Colleen:

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