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How to Prepare For Client Calls in B2B Organizations


Preparing for a client call in B2B sales takes a minimal amount of time and can greatly impact the quality of your client relationship. What time is the call scheduled? Who will be included? What are the topics that will be discussed? What reports do you need to pull? These are just a few simple questions you can ask yourself to feel better prepared before you hop on a call with your client. Here are some of my best tips for preparing for client calls, as well as a sample client call itinerary.  

The Details

Being punctual for a client call is extremely important. If possible, set a reminder ten to fifteen minutes before the call. This way, you can organize your materials and thoughts. You can also use the time to check your inbox for any last-minute updates. Make sure you know who will be included on the call, and, most importantly, how the call will be facilitated. Are you calling into a conference bridge? Do you have the appropriate technology available needed for the call?

The Materials

Pull all of your reports and spreadsheets beforehand so they are readily accessible. Jot down a few highlights or talking points to reference on the call, and be sure to cover areas of both success and difficulties.  If you are doing a screenshare, make sure only the necessary windows are present. It is always a good idea to take notes during a call, so make sure to have a notepad and pen off to the side.

The Itinerary

Some clients will include an itinerary prior to the call for better client communication. If an itinerary is not included, that does not mean you should just “wing” the call. It is always good to outline a few focus points and be able to elaborate on them.

Here’s a good example of a client call itinerary:

CLIENT CALL: B2B Company & AG Salesworks
Max- VP Sales & Cheryl-VP Marketing
2:00PM EST-Conference Bridge
123-456-789 PIN: 0000

1.      Go over spreadsheet lines 1-50
Line 7: Need to reschedule call with Company X
Line 22: Scheduled follow up call for 12/13/14
Line 40: Contact is no longer responsible for this area-seeking referral
2.      Successes
75% to goal- on pace for 100% this month
Positive Feedback from email: 48 opens, 12 referrals
Touched all nurtured accounts for 2014
3.      Questions
How did the call go with Company Y? Were there any next steps?
During our last call, you mentioned sending over some more data, has there been any updates?
4.      Moving forward
I will plan to follow up on the twelve referrals from the email.
I have three calls coming up with sales prospects who have expressed significant interest
Next week’s call will be on Thursday, December 5th at 2:00PM EST

Knowing what to expect is probably the biggest challenge when preparing for a client call in B2B organizations, but by creating a homemade itinerary and list of focus points, you are setting yourself up for success. By knowing the details of the meeting, gathering the materials before hand, and planning on what you are going to say, you will have covered all the bases.

The benefits of preparing for a client call are not just one-sided, though; your client will benefit too! Client calls are typically 30 minutes to an hour long. By pulling reports before hand and jotting down what you plan to say, you will ultimately cut down the meeting time, as well as help establish a flow of the conversation. Your client will appreciate your time management and organizational skills, and you will be able to cruise through your client call with no awkward pauses. It’s a win-win situation!

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About the Author   |   Gillian Sontz

Gillian Sontz, a Business Development Representative at AG Salesworks, is excited about getting the opportunity to contribute to the AG blog, as writing is something she has always been passionate about. Her daily responsibilities as a BDR include passing qualified opportunities to her client. What she likes most about her job is interacting with people on both the national and international level on a daily basis.

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