AG Salesworks is currently undergoing some exciting remodeling so we're postponing Sales Prospecting Perspectives posts until we're finished. However, check out our sister company QuotaFactory's blog, Sales Wars, for sales acceleration tips and more!

Sales Prospecting Perspectives

How to Influence B2B Sales Prospects (Without Annoying Them)

Posted by Allison Tetreault on Tue, Jan 20, 2024 @ 09:30 AM

If you’re selling something, you need to be persuasive. But you don’t need to be annoying.

Case in point: I was at the gym the other day, in the middle of a sweaty elliptical workout, when a trainer came over and asked if my name was Christine. Apparently he was asking every woman in the gym because Christine did not show up on time for her appointment. I told him that my name was Allie, and expected him to mosey along, but instead he struck up a conversation with me. While I was out of breath. And - it bears repeating - extremely sweaty. He wanted to know how often I came to the gym, when I’d be coming in next, whether I was making any fitness goals in the New Year, and then he had the audacity to ask if he could make an appointment with me for next week. Even though I made it clear that I “like to do my own thing,” he insisted, so I told him I’d be back next week and I’d find him then.

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Tags: Teleprospecting, Sales Prospecting, Sales Messaging

4 B2B Sales Prospecting New Year's Resolutions for 2015

Posted by Gillian Sontz on Mon, Jan 5, 2024 @ 09:30 AM

The holidays are behind us, and the New Year has begun! It is a season of resolutions, many of which focus on bettering yourself, living a healthier lifestyle, achieving financial goals, and spending more time with family. Although resolutions are key to personal growth and success, they can also be used in the workplace to motivate and encourage success for the upcoming year. Here are a few resolutions to help kick off your B2B sales prospecting on the right foot in 2015.

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Tags: Sales Motivation, Handling Sales Objections, B2B Sales Success, Sales Messaging

3 Social Selling Templates for LinkedIn and Twitter Messaging

Posted by Allison Tetreault on Tue, Nov 25, 2023 @ 09:30 AM

With social selling gaining momentum for sales professionals, inside sales reps are making their presence known in the digital sphere, specifically on LinkedIn and Twitter. Unfortunately, that presence isn’t always positive. Many social selling guides tout real tips and strategies for sales reps to stand out in their prospects’ busy social feeds, but unfortunately often don’t give away social selling templates which sales reps can customize for their own needs.

The result? Sales reps appear to overly curate content, never share their personal opinions, and if they ever reach out to someone one-to-one, they lead with their pitch and immediately turn off potential prospects.

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Tags: Teleprospecting, Sales Prospecting, Social Selling, Sales Messaging

Connecting The Dots: Unify Your B2B Organization for Maximum Growth

Posted by Megan Tonzi on Wed, Nov 19, 2023 @ 09:30 AM

Sales Prospecting Perspectives is pleased to bring you a guest blog from Dave Landry, professional business writer and personal finance advisor. 

Building strong client relationships is perhaps one of the most important things that any marketer can accomplish, especially given the increasing importance of having a popular and well-known brand in today’s cluttered B2B landscape.

Branding For Unity

A powerful brand can help lead to the development of a community that has a positive effect on customers and employees alike. Strong emotions regarding a company will affect purchasing decisions from potential clients, but will also promote pride in their work from employees. And even more importantly, customer support really is everyone’s job, particularly in high-end B2B markets where solutions are hardly a one-time purchase.

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Tags: B2B Inside Sales, Client Management, B2B Marketing, B2B Sales Success, Sales Messaging

3 Myths About Power Dialing When it Comes to Sales Teleprospecting

Posted by Laney Dowling on Mon, Nov 3, 2023 @ 08:30 AM

“I didn’t have a power dialing session on Monday, and I missed it,” said a B2B inside sales rep on my team last week. Ah – music to my ears. For the past year, I’ve spent a lot of my time investigating power dialing tools and methodologies. Everyone seems to have an opinion on power dialing versus traditional manual dialing. I understand where the naysayers are coming from – I had those thoughts when I first started, too. However, after I began adopting the technology, I had a change in mindset, and  my life is a heck of a whole lot easier. The same goes for my sales reps.

Here are three myths about power dialing  that we have squashed over the last several months:

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Tags: Teleprospecting, Data Management, Sales Prospecting, B2B Inside Sales, Sales Messaging

5 Sales Messaging Mistakes That Will Haunt & Doom Your Sales Process

Posted by Megan Tonzi on Fri, Oct 31, 2023 @ 08:30 AM

With Halloween just around the corner, you must be prepared to be scared. You might see some ghouls roaming around your neighborhood, some frightening Halloween treats, or some loud and potentially disturbing decorations on your neighbor’s lawn (there’s always that one neighbor!).

However, you know what consistently scares me, year round?

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Tags: Sales Prospecting, Social Selling, Email Prospecting, Voicemail Prospecting, B2B Inside Sales, Sales Messaging

5 Voicemail Tips Every Sales Development Rep Should Be Using

Posted by Megan Tonzi on Wed, Oct 22, 2023 @ 09:30 AM

Sales Prospecting Perspectives is pleased to bring you a guest blog from Greg Klingshirn, Content Marketing Manager at SalesLoft

Cold calls are the bread and butter of successful sales development reps. But what about the times you call and don’t get an answer? Leaving a message is a hard starting point to a demo or qualified appointment.

Instead of being dejected when you don’t get an answer, use it to your advantage. When you’re confident in voicemail, prospects that don’t answer can be your silver bullet.

Leave a voicemail to remember with these five tips:

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Tags: Teleprospecting, Sales Prospecting, Voicemail Prospecting, Outbound Prospecting, Sales Messaging

Why Prospects AND Reps Will Love These 2 Sales Voicemail Templates

Posted by Allison Tetreault on Thu, Oct 16, 2023 @ 09:30 AM

If you’re in sales, a lot of your time is spent on the phone -- outbound prospecting, inbound qualifying, cold calling, you name it. You may have a list of questions you want to ask your prospect, and you may have a roadmap for the direction you want your conversation to go. However, what happens when your prospect doesn’t answer the phone?

You’ll need to leave a voicemail that doesn’t get ignored or deleted immediately. If the average voicemail response rate is 4.8% according to InsideSales, how can you generate enough interest in prospects that they call you back?

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Tags: Teleprospecting, Sales Prospecting, Voicemail Prospecting, Outbound Prospecting, Sales Messaging

Why This Cold Sales Email Template Works So Well

Posted by Allison Tetreault on Fri, Oct 10, 2023 @ 09:30 AM

What if I told you the secret to getting cold prospects to always open and even act on your sales emails? 

Here it is: There is no secret. 

The truth is, every prospect is different, so there's no guaranteeing that one best practice will work above all others. What you can do to build trust with cold prospects is be honest and provide real value in every email interaction you have with them. 

That's why this cold sales email template works so well: 

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Tags: Sales Prospecting, Email Prospecting, Sales Messaging

The Big List of Inside Sales Messaging Statistics

Posted by Megan Tonzi on Mon, Oct 6, 2023 @ 09:30 AM

Sales managers, how often are you evaluating your inside sales team’s messaging techniques? You may have given them the tools to get started, but are they able to craft their own templates for emails voicemails? Are you constantly training them on new social selling techniques?

Just the other day, I sat down with our sales team for a role play. After an hour-long session, they walked out of my office with a better idea of how to target our buyers with tailored messaging specific to them. You see, most sales and marketing professionals just don’t have time. “No, I don’t want to tell you the challenges in my environment and what my company does. No, I don’t want to hear about your product or service right off the bat. No, I’m not always in the mood to talk about my day with someone when I’m already late for my next meeting.”

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Tags: Sales Prospecting, Social Selling, Email Prospecting, Voicemail Prospecting, Sales Messaging

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