AG Salesworks is currently undergoing some exciting remodeling so we're postponing Sales Prospecting Perspectives posts until we're finished. However, check out our sister company QuotaFactory's blog, Sales Wars, for sales acceleration tips and more!

Sales Prospecting Perspectives

Your B2B Data Checklist for Evaluating New Lists

Posted by Kim Staib on Mon, Jan 26, 2024 @ 09:30 AM

At AG Salesworks, we engage with a number of different vendors to procure B2B lists depending on the requirements outlined by each client. With more and more data vendors entering the market, it’s important to stay organized, paying close attention to your guidelines  when evaluating your list before B2B prospecting it.

That’s why, before I send our clients a list, I do a separate scrub of my own to make sure all criteria has been met and there isn’t any confusion. Here are the questions I ask prior to importing a list for a new client. 

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Tags: Data Management, Client Management

How to Prepare For Client Calls in B2B Organizations

Posted by Gillian Sontz on Mon, Dec 8, 2023 @ 09:30 AM

Preparing for a client call in B2B sales takes a minimal amount of time and can greatly impact the quality of your client relationship. What time is the call scheduled? Who will be included? What are the topics that will be discussed? What reports do you need to pull? These are just a few simple questions you can ask yourself to feel better prepared before you hop on a call with your client. Here are some of my best tips for preparing for client calls, as well as a sample client call itinerary.  

The Details

Being punctual for a client call is extremely important. If possible, set a reminder ten to fifteen minutes before the call. This way, you can organize your materials and thoughts. You can also use the time to check your inbox for any last-minute updates. Make sure you know who will be included on the call, and, most importantly, how the call will be facilitated. Are you calling into a conference bridge? Do you have the appropriate technology available needed for the call?

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Tags: B2B Lead Generation, Closed-Loop Feedback, Client Management, B2B Sales Success

3 Reasons Your Call Strategy Must Have More Influencers than C-Suites

Posted by Kim Staib on Mon, Dec 1, 2023 @ 09:30 AM

If you work in outsourced B2B lead gen, you know this moment in a conversation all too well:

Sales Partner: Can you tell me what criteria you want us to follow when procuring data?

Client: Well, we want only C-level executives, in companies with over 250 million in annual revenue.  Our sales reps won’t take calls with anyone who has a lower title.  What’s the point if they’re not the ones who will sign off on the budget?  We don’t want to waste our time with Managers or Directors.

And there you have it.  You’ve just been “C-Bombed.”  

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Tags: Sales Strategy, B2B Lead Generation, Outsourcing Teleprospecting, Client Management, Call Strategy, B2B Sales Success

How to Start Referral Selling in 5 Steps

Posted by Donato Diorio on Wed, Nov 26, 2023 @ 08:30 AM

Sales Prospecting Perspectives is pleased to bring you a guest blog by Donato Diorio, CEO of RingLead.

Referral selling is all about helping you acquire new customers by utilizing a crucial asset: your past and existing customers. It can be one of the most effective sales strategies because the referral from a satisfied customer provides you with credibility and opens doors.

Referral selling starts from the top and impacts the entire organization. It’s a cultural shift where everyone is focused, passionate, confident and ready to sell. Improve sales prospecting by implementing referral selling. 

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Tags: CRM, Sales Process, B2B Inside Sales, Client Management

Connecting The Dots: Unify Your B2B Organization for Maximum Growth

Posted by Megan Tonzi on Wed, Nov 19, 2023 @ 09:30 AM

Sales Prospecting Perspectives is pleased to bring you a guest blog from Dave Landry, professional business writer and personal finance advisor. 

Building strong client relationships is perhaps one of the most important things that any marketer can accomplish, especially given the increasing importance of having a popular and well-known brand in today’s cluttered B2B landscape.

Branding For Unity

A powerful brand can help lead to the development of a community that has a positive effect on customers and employees alike. Strong emotions regarding a company will affect purchasing decisions from potential clients, but will also promote pride in their work from employees. And even more importantly, customer support really is everyone’s job, particularly in high-end B2B markets where solutions are hardly a one-time purchase.

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Tags: B2B Inside Sales, Client Management, B2B Marketing, B2B Sales Success, Sales Messaging

Raise Prices for B2B Sales Without Losing Your Regular Customers

Posted by Colleen Francis on Wed, Nov 12, 2023 @ 09:30 AM

Sales Prospecting Perspectives is pleased to bring you a guest blog from Colleen Francis, 

After three years of selling products and services at the same prices, your company decides a change is in order. It’s time to make a few price increases to better reflect the current market and rising costs.

Of course, any time prices go up, sellers are bound to hear complaints from long-term customers. Some companies, in fact, believe regular clients should be exempt from price increases altogether, that there should be a reward for loyalty in the client relationship. And yet there are several other pricing methods that businesses employ as well.

The key factor in all these cases, of course, is providing advanced notice of your company’s plans. Pricing surprises are never a good thing in sales!

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Tags: Sales Process, B2B Inside Sales, Client Management, B2B Sales Success

4 Lessons Learned After One Year as an Inside Sales Manager

Posted by Kim Staib on Mon, Oct 20, 2023 @ 09:30 AM

Next month marks an important milestone not only in my career at AG, but in my career in general.  This October I will have completed my first year as an inside sales manager.  It has been a busy year at AG, with many new faces, new clients and new challenges, as I transitioned from making calls to managing those who do.  A few years ago I wrote a blog outlining lessons I had learned after one year as an inside sales rep, and I am glad to reprise that entry to now include lessons from a management perspective.  

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Tags: Sales Strategy, Teleprospecting, Inside Sales Management, Coaching, B2B Inside Sales, Client Management, Inside Sales Training

A Story About Why Building Credibility Matters When Teleprospecting

Posted by Maureen Wall on Mon, Oct 13, 2023 @ 09:30 AM

The other day, I encountered one of the rudest and pushiest sales people I’ve ever come across. No, it wasn’t a used car salesman, and no, it wasn’t one of those ladies at the perfume counter who sprays before asking.

Surprisingly, it was someone from a very reputable technology company looking to sell us additional services.

Here’s how the conversation went:

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Tags: Teleprospecting, Sales Prospecting, B2B Inside Sales, Client Management, B2B Sales Success

4 Tips to Ensure Your Sales Prospecting Efforts are Fruitful in Fall

Posted by Laney Dowling on Mon, Sep 22, 2023 @ 09:30 AM

I just wrapped up my first fall Sunday Funday. We watched the Pats, had some friends over, cooked some fall-inspired food, and may have had one or two pumpkin beers. This is my absolute favorite time of year. It's a fresh new start as we close out the summer and get ready to start the last quarter of the year. An influx of new customers goes hand in hand with that, and it’s always exciting to kick off new client engagements.

As we launched one program in particular last week, my client asked my all-time favorite question: "What makes for the best programs when it comes to inside sales engagements?" The below are crucial elements of a successful inside sales or lead generation effort from my perspective:

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Tags: Corporate Culture, Sales Motivation, Sales and Marketing Alignment, B2B Lead Generation, Inside Sales Management, Lead Qualification, Closed-Loop Feedback, B2B Inside Sales, Client Management, Inside Sales Training

15 Sales Hacks You Should Know From Past Sales Hacker Events

Posted by Megan Tonzi on Wed, Sep 10, 2023 @ 09:30 AM

Sales Prospecting Perspectives is pleased to bring you a guest post from Max Altschuler, Founder and CEO of Sales Hacker Media

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Tags: Sales Enablement, Buying Process, Data Management, Sales Prospecting, Social Selling, Outsourcing Teleprospecting, B2B Inside Sales, Client Management, Inside Sales Training, Sales Hiring Strategies, Sales Messaging

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