AG Salesworks is currently undergoing some exciting remodeling so we're postponing Sales Prospecting Perspectives posts until we're finished. However, check out our sister company QuotaFactory's blog, Sales Wars, for sales acceleration tips and more!

Sales Prospecting Perspectives

Is There a Perfect Personality Trait for Inside Sales Reps?

Posted by Craig Ferrara on Tue, Oct 21, 2023 @ 09:30 AM

Last week I spoke of a few traits I look for when hiring inside sales reps looking to join the AG ranks. One of the specific traits I highlighted was having the innate confidence to do the job. Some reps might show all the outward signs that they’re a sales natural, but when the stage is theirs and they need to rise to the occasion, they fall flat. The reverse could be said for the perceived introvert. Just because they don’t want to be the center of attention doesn’t mean that they can’t get the job done when they’re under fire.
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Tags: Teleprospecting, Inside Sales Management, Coaching, B2B Inside Sales, Inside Sales Training, Sales Hiring Strategies, B2B Sales Success

Look For The 3 C's When Hiring Inside Sales Reps

Posted by Craig Ferrara on Tue, Oct 7, 2023 @ 09:30 AM

Over the 10 years I've spent interviewing inside sales candidates, I've caught myself looking for the obvious traits we seek in people hoping to explore sales for the first time. 

Do they have the drive? Do they seem intelligent? Are they articulate? Can they think on their feet? How do they deal with adversity? Will they fit in with the team?

While these questions are extremely important for us to ask, there are other questions that we often forget to ask throughout the interview. Over a decade, I've learned that getting to the bottom of these questions is absolutely essential for inside sales candidates.

On the surface, these questions may seem obvious. However, when an inside sales rep quickly flames out after 2 months on the job, I'm often kicking myself for not sticking to the 3 C's:

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Tags: Sales Motivation, Cold Calling, B2B Inside Sales, Inside Sales Training, Sales Hiring Strategies, B2B Sales Success

15 Sales Hacks You Should Know From Past Sales Hacker Events

Posted by Megan Tonzi on Wed, Sep 10, 2023 @ 09:30 AM

Sales Prospecting Perspectives is pleased to bring you a guest post from Max Altschuler, Founder and CEO of Sales Hacker Media

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Tags: Sales Enablement, Buying Process, Data Management, Sales Prospecting, Social Selling, Outsourcing Teleprospecting, B2B Inside Sales, Client Management, Inside Sales Training, Sales Hiring Strategies, Sales Messaging

3 Traits to Inspect in a New Hire Interview for Inside Sales Success

Posted by Laney Dowling on Mon, Aug 11, 2023 @ 09:30 AM

As the end of summer draws near, hiring season looms upon us inside sales professionals. Many recent graduates will be looking for their first job after a relaxing summer, and many seasoned sales reps will be taking stock of their current positions. At AG Salesworks, we’ve seen many potential inside sales reps walk through our door for interviews in the past few weeks. However, our hiring process isn’t for everyone. After all, new sales hires frequently fail, so we want to make sure that we’re hiring the best talent to benefit our clients and our prospects. During the initial interview, we have a keen eye for personality traits that will help the candidate thrive in an inside sales environment. Here are 3 traits we look for in an inside sales interview and 3 questions to ask when assessing if a candidate’s personality is a good fit for your company.

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Tags: Teleprospecting, Inside Sales Management, Coaching, B2B Inside Sales, Client Management, Inside Sales Training, Sales Hiring Strategies, B2B Sales Success

Top 4 Professional Skills Mastered When Working in B2B Inside Sales

Posted by Patrice Morrison on Mon, Jun 23, 2023 @ 09:30 AM

Beginning a career in B2B inside sales is a great way to build job experience and fine-tune your professional skills. If you are a recent graduate with a background in sales or marketing and are looking to get your foot in the door of the business world, inside sales may be the career for you.

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Tags: Sales Strategy, Sales Motivation, Teleprospecting, B2B Inside Sales, Inside Sales Training, B2B Marketing, Sales Hiring Strategies, B2B Sales Success

5 Starting Tips for New Inside Sales Reps

Posted by Elizabeth Guerra on Mon, Apr 21, 2024 @ 10:00 AM

It’s new hire season (at least over here at AG)! We’ve seen several new faces this week, and with college graduations just around the corner, we’ll be seeing even more! Jumping into a new lead generation or inside sales career can be intimidating, but everyone has to start somewhere. I really enjoy working with AG’s new hires, and I’ve come up with the following pieces of advice to help new inside sales reps start off on the right foot.

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Tags: Sales Strategy, B2B Lead Generation, Sales Prospecting, Email Prospecting, Voicemail Prospecting, B2B Inside Sales, Sales Hiring Strategies

How to Increase Employee Retention in Inside Sales

Posted by Mike Ricciardelli on Tue, Apr 15, 2024 @ 10:00 AM

Employee retention seemed to be a taboo subject at my old sales jobs. If sales managers didn’t speak about it, the problem would simply not be a problem. Unfortunately, they seemed to be conditioned to accept that attrition was inevitable with a team of people making cold calls all day. It wasn't uncommon to see about 50% of new hires exit the organization after 6 months. Why? You've taken the time to interview, hire and train a rep, but once they're at altitude, they leave. No one should be OK with that.

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Tags: Sales Strategy, Sales Motivation, Teleprospecting, Inside Sales Management, Cold Calling, Closed-Loop Feedback, B2B Inside Sales, Inside Sales Training, Sales Hiring Strategies

Accessibility at All Levels is Essential to a Healthy Sales Work Culture

Posted by Craig Ferrara on Tue, Feb 25, 2024 @ 10:00 AM

On New Year’s Eve, I posted a blog on the 7 Things I Want My Inside Sales Team To Know for 2014. Now that we're already days in to the last week of February (bring on spring please!), I want to double check that list to ensure I was actually following through on the characteristics I felt separated good managers from not-so-good ones. Of course it's a continual work in progress, but I feel like I've mostly stuck to the expectations I've set for myself. 

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Tags: Corporate Culture, Sales Strategy, Inside Sales Management, B2B Inside Sales, Sales Hiring Strategies

Sales Prospecting Perspectives Weekly Recap - Week of February 14, 2024

Posted by Allison Tetreault on Fri, Feb 14, 2024 @ 10:53 AM

Happy Valentine's Day, Sales Prospecting Perspectives readers! We hope you're doing something special with that someone special or treating yourself to something that makes you happy today. On Valentine's Day, some people may feel down if they don't have a Valentine, just like in inside sales when people can feel slighted if they don't have a prospect. Therefore, we've compiled some helpful content about how to better market and teleprospect to these potential clients. Check out our favorite articles we shared on Twitter this week: 

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Tags: Sales and Marketing Alignment, Buying Process, Teleprospecting, B2B Lead Generation, Data Management, Inside Sales Management, Social Selling, B2B Inside Sales, Client Management, Sales Hiring Strategies

The Gender Gap: Hiring Women in Inside Sales

Posted by Kim Staib on Mon, Feb 10, 2024 @ 10:00 AM

As an inside sales manager, I try to use my few minutes of downtime to read articles related to my field.  When I open the “news” section of my LinkedIn, almost all of the recommended articles revolve around professional women.  My news feed is flooded with articles about Sheryl Sandbergs Lean In, work life balance, women who don't want to work for female managers, women who do want to work for female managers, areas where women outperform men,  women being urged to “sit at the table." The list goes on and on. 

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Tags: Sales Strategy, Inside Sales Management, B2B Inside Sales, Sales Hiring Strategies

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