AG Salesworks is currently undergoing some exciting remodeling so we're postponing Sales Prospecting Perspectives posts until we're finished. However, check out our sister company QuotaFactory's blog, Sales Wars, for sales acceleration tips and more!

Sales Prospecting Perspectives

How AG's Sales Development Managers Motivate Reps in February [Part 2]

Posted by Kim Staib on Mon, Feb 23, 2024 @ 09:30 AM

Even though February is technically the shortest month of the year, this year it feels like the longest.

With snowstorms Juno and Pandora having just passed, mountains of ice piling up in our parking lot, and temperatures at a record low, February has quickly become the Debbie Downer of the 12 months.

And even though you may keep your offices heated at a level that stimulates sales productivity, the constant snowfall and bitingly cold temperatures outside can affect your sales development team’s productivity if you're not keeping a close eye on your team. Especially when the storms make it so everyone has to work from home.

I thought I would ask a few of our sales development managers how they motivate their teams and keep them performing at 100% every day in February. Last week, we heard from Greg and Jimmy in Part 1; this week, we’ll hear from Steve Malcolm and Josh Stevens.  Read on to learn how our sales development teams creatively motivate their reps to exceed expectations this month!

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Tags: Sales Motivation, Inside Sales Management, Coaching, Sales Leadership

How AG's Sales Development Managers Motivate Reps in February [Part 1]

Posted by Kim Staib on Mon, Feb 9, 2024 @ 09:30 AM

By now, if you have read a few of my blogs, you are well aware of my opinions on winter in New England…In short, I hate it. 

In Boston, February is jokingly referred to as the “longest short month of the year” due to what feels like near constant snowfall and nights and weekends spent hibernating to avoid the bitter cold temperatures. 

February is also a time when we need to keep our sales development reps extra motivated whether working from the office or at home during inclement weather. 

I tried to think of what motivated me when I was an SDR, and decided to source some help from our awesome sales development managers.  These four guys spend their days making sure our SDRs are performing at 100% every day.  I thought they could provide some great perspectives on what they do to keep their reps motivated and what they like most about sales development management, training and mentoring.  In part one of this blog post, we'll hear from Greg and Jimmy.

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Tags: Sales Motivation, Inside Sales Management, Coaching, Sales Leadership

How to Motivate Your Sales Development Team through December Holidays

Posted by Kim Staib on Mon, Dec 15, 2023 @ 09:30 AM

christmas-tree-227014_1280 Anyone who knows me understands my deep-rooted, unapologetic hatred for winter weather.  That first winter chill in the air that hits Boston in November and stays until March (and oftentimes through April in New England) is a constant reminder that I grew up in the wrong climate.  I stare longingly at the “beach of the day” calendar that sits on my desk as the temperature continues to drop and the possibility of massive snowstorms loom.  There is, however, one thing I do like about winter, and that is the month of December.

Like most people, I love Christmas.  I love the beautiful twinkling lights everywhere, shopping for gifts, and spending quality time with friends and family.  December is also a deceptively great month for sales prospecting as outlined in an earlier blog from Craig Ferrara.  What December brings to the operations team is an opportunity to come up with some creative ways to manage our sales development team.  Below are a few sales motivation tips for your teams in the month of December.

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Tags: Sales Motivation, Inside Sales Management, Coaching, Call Strategy, B2B Sales Success

7 Inside Sales Lessons Learned on The Football Field

Posted by Megan Tonzi on Mon, Nov 24, 2023 @ 09:30 AM

Sales Prospecting Perspectives is pleased to bring you a post from Mike Lipka, Inside Sales Representative at AG Salesworks, and Kenneth McKenna, Business Development Representative at AG Salesworks.

Working in inside sales, we’re able to rediscover and uncover value from past experiences that help us prospect better. For Mike and I, playing football was something that surrounded all aspects of our lives during our tenure on the field. Now, a few years removed from the game and beginning a career in inside sales, all the messages and tips we were so accustomed to hearing every day from coaches and teammates have found resonance in our daily work.

Here are 7 pieces of inside sales advice lessons we've learned from playing football:

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Tags: Sales Prospecting, Coaching, B2B Inside Sales, B2B Sales Success

Is There a Perfect Personality Trait for Inside Sales Reps?

Posted by Craig Ferrara on Tue, Oct 21, 2023 @ 09:30 AM

Last week I spoke of a few traits I look for when hiring inside sales reps looking to join the AG ranks. One of the specific traits I highlighted was having the innate confidence to do the job. Some reps might show all the outward signs that they’re a sales natural, but when the stage is theirs and they need to rise to the occasion, they fall flat. The reverse could be said for the perceived introvert. Just because they don’t want to be the center of attention doesn’t mean that they can’t get the job done when they’re under fire.
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Tags: Teleprospecting, Inside Sales Management, Coaching, B2B Inside Sales, Inside Sales Training, Sales Hiring Strategies, B2B Sales Success

4 Lessons Learned After One Year as an Inside Sales Manager

Posted by Kim Staib on Mon, Oct 20, 2023 @ 09:30 AM

Next month marks an important milestone not only in my career at AG, but in my career in general.  This October I will have completed my first year as an inside sales manager.  It has been a busy year at AG, with many new faces, new clients and new challenges, as I transitioned from making calls to managing those who do.  A few years ago I wrote a blog outlining lessons I had learned after one year as an inside sales rep, and I am glad to reprise that entry to now include lessons from a management perspective.  

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Tags: Sales Strategy, Teleprospecting, Inside Sales Management, Coaching, B2B Inside Sales, Client Management, Inside Sales Training

How to Launch Fresh, Fun and Fantastic Sales Training for Millennials

Posted by Megan Tonzi on Wed, Sep 24, 2023 @ 09:30 AM

Sales Prospecting Perspectives is pleased to bring you a guest post from Josiane Feigon, President of TeleSmart.

Millennials are currently flooding inside sales organizations, and their numbers aren’t going to be reduced. They come in a broad range of work personality-types: some are uber-professional superstars with high leadership potential, while others treat the office like a dorm, walk around with their wrecking balls, and have extremely short attention spans.

The challenge of ramping them up and transferring knowledge is big. Since many millennials don’t want anyone telling them what to do, any type of training that involves a talking head or an authority figure is not well received. Here are some issues that inside sales training must overcome if it wants to reach millennials:

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Tags: Inside Sales Management, Coaching, Social Selling, B2B Inside Sales, Inside Sales Training, Sales Leadership

3 Tips For Junior Inside Sales Reps To Command Sales Calls

Posted by Craig Ferrara on Tue, Sep 23, 2023 @ 09:31 AM

I think it’s safe to say that nearly everyone in the sales game had humble beginnings. Some of you may have had the fake bravado on the outside when you started, but on the inside, like me, you were probably scared out of your mind. 

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Tags: Inside Sales Management, Sales Prospecting, Coaching, Cold Calling, B2B Inside Sales, Inside Sales Training, B2B Sales Success

Are You Getting the Most Out of Your "Comfortable" Inside Sales Reps?

Posted by Craig Ferrara on Tue, Sep 9, 2023 @ 09:30 AM

I've always prided myself on creating the best culture I possibly can for my inside sales team. The last thing I want is for people to trudge into the office on Monday morning with a look of dread in their eyes, feeling like they have a full week of misery ahead of them. Keeping a good company culture is also partially selfish for me, because I don't want to spend 40 hours a week with miserable people who drain the life out of me. 

I think the CEO of LinkedIn, Jeff Weiner, summed it up beautifully in this Venn diagram he posted a few weeks back on "The Three Qualities of People I Most Enjoy Working With."

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Tags: Corporate Culture, Sales Enablement, Sales Motivation, Teleprospecting, Inside Sales Management, Coaching, B2B Inside Sales

#ProspectingChat: Sales Training with Josiane Feigon!

Posted by Allison Tetreault on Thu, Sep 4, 2023 @ 09:30 AM

Today, we will be hosting this month's #ProspectingChat on AG Saleswork's Twitter account. We will welcome best-selling author Josiane Feigon as a special guest to discuss sales training tips. Here are some details about today's Twitter Chat:

Date: Thursday, September 4, 2023
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Tags: Inside Sales Management, Coaching, Inside Sales Training, Sales Leadership

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