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4 Professional Tips From A Graduate: A Year In Reflection


5 18 Kim2

Every year when the month of May hits I start humming the melody to pomp and circumstance in my head.  Having been a part of three commencement ceremonies in my life, I have taken away a few facts: 1. They are very long, 2. They are very boring, and 3. The only mildly entertaining or engaging part (for me at least) is the commencement address.  Whether it is given by a celebrity, fellow classmate or esteemed alumni, the commencement address is written to inspire graduates and impart wisdom gained by the speaker.  This week marks my one year anniversary at AG Salesworks and I thought I would take this blog to reflect on some of the professional lessons I have acquired in my tenure.

The first is very simple; if you want something, ask for it.  This one actually relates to my Mother’s philosophy of “if you don’t ask, you don’t get.”  This phrase has been thrown out for just about every Christmas or Birthday since I was a child and I found it’s a valid philosophy professionally as well.  If your Manager or Director isn’t aware of what you need to succeed, such as a list or some other kind of support, getting help is as simple as asking.

Secondly, if you don’t like something, change it.  At AG, a lot of the materials that we work with, from our sales cards to email templates and voicemail scripts, are essentially “living, breathing” documents.  If you feel like a different strategy or wording might work better, the door is always open to collaborate with your team and to change something.  The key is to keep it fresh and always be honing in on what is most effective.

The next lesson is often easier said than done; it’s to take good advice when it’s given.  I had much to learn when I came into this job and still do.  In the last year I have seen new reps come in and flourish at teleprospecting right away, but at the end of the day, there’s a lot to be said about experience.  Whether it’s in a job or in another aspect of life, there is always someone who you can learn a great deal from, but you have to be open to their advice and guidance and not feel threatened by constructive criticism.5 18 Kim1

Our corporate culture is consistently brought up in these blogs because it is so important to what AG is about as a company.  This leads into the final lesson that I want to share today; that success is not all about where you are or what you’re doing, but is also about the people you surround yourself with.  It’s often the little things that an organization does to boost morale that make the biggest difference.  My year at AG has seen a fresh coat of paint, new furniture, some additional plants, new wall art and my personal favorite, the cappuccino machine in the kitchen. 

Never let anyone tell you that teleprospecting is an “easy” job.  It requires a certain level of skill and patience, and a great deal of resourcefulness.  I know that everything I’ve learned within the last year will help me tremendously, not only in moving forward with AG but also in anything else I choose to do professionally.



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