Nothing can kill an inside sales opportunity quite like time. Even the most enthusiastic customers and prospects can turn away from a deal if something else catches their eye. The longer a deal sits and does not move through the pipeline, the more apt a prospect will be to lose interest. Below are a few ways to ensure that you’re not losing opportunities due to bad timing or poor follow up.
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It’s new hire season (at least over here at AG)! We’ve seen several new faces this week, and with college graduations just around the corner, we’ll be seeing even more! Jumping into a new lead generation or inside sales career can be intimidating, but everyone has to start somewhere. I really enjoy working with AG’s new hires, and I’ve come up with the following pieces of advice to help new inside sales reps start off on the right foot.
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With a family background in sales, it’s no wonder I love competition, organization, and numbers. I like that every month your slate is wiped clean and you have another 30 days to crush your numbers. But not only is sales a month-to-month game; it's also quarterly and yearly. The cycle in which we work in inside sales is organized and allows you to plan your time accordingly.
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Sales Prospecting Perspectives is pleased to bring you a guest post from Matt Heinz, President of Heinz Marketing.
Many sales organizations often struggle with how to predict which sales will close. Their sales forecasts are weak, or non-existent, and that fact affects their bottom line.
Your sales forecast influences numerous decisions in your company’s sales process. A weak sales forecast not only affects commission checks, but also the success of your entire organization. It’s tricky to predict which sales will close or which prospects will be qualified. However, when it’s done right, an accurate forecast will keep a business on course, using past figures to predict short- or long-term performance.
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Do you wish more of your qualified opportunities would move farther down the sales pipeline?
I would assume the answer is yes.
Part of the sales process for most technology companies is to conduct a web demonstration to a prospect or a group of prospects. In my experience, this demo usually happens very early in the relationship building stage, at a critical time when the two companies are still rather unfamiliar with each other.
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A company with a reputation for dependability, consistency and quality services or products will win consumers' business. Your company and the people within it should be seen as the leading experts in your industry, whether that be sales, marketing or, in AG Salesworks case, both. The faces of your company (for example, co-founders Pete Gracey or Paul Alves for AG), need to become thought leaders, challenging the status quo and writing books. However, claiming to be a thought leader doesn't make you one; others need to recognize you as the leading guru in your industry. Becoming a thought leader is harder than you think.
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I can't believe it's finally the end of August. Fall is creeping upon us, employees are returning from vacation, and students are returning to school. We've published a few fall-based articles this week, and we're excited to hear what you think about them, and how helpful they've been to you!
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Sales Prospecting Perspectives is pleased to bring you a guest post from Chris Snell, Inside Sales Manager at Care.com
Wow – I can’t believe I just typed those title words.
So, I’m at home the other night and perusing Facebook, and I see a few people that I’m connected with posting videos about Ashton Kutcher and this great speech that he gave at the Nickelodeon Kid’s Choice Awards. First of all, the fact that the Nick Kid’s Choice Awards is catching my attention is because I have a kid, so don’t judge. Second, though, was the fact that people were talking about Ashton Kutcher. “Kelso” from That '70s Show, you know? Mr. Demi Moore? I guess he’s been more in the public eye lately because of his portrayal of Steve Jobs in the aptly named Jobs (which is getting horrible reviews on Rotten Tomatoes). So, I’m game, I’ll check out what this video is all about.
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