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Sales Prospecting Perspectives Weekly Recap – Week of June 14, 2023

Weekly Recap

This week was a busy one at AG Salesworks. During the first half of the week, our inside sales reps were passing leads like crazy. Their leads were so hot that a small electrical fire started in the office on Tuesday! No worries, though; we’re all safe, and there was just a bit of smoke in AG Central. After that, there was more excitement: The Summer AG Olympics. I’m happy to announce that Team USA won! Find pictures and more about this event on our Facebook.

Playing the Inside Sales Game of Thrones

game thrones red wedding

I am a huge fan of the HBO series, “Game of Thrones.” Admittedly, I have not read the books, but I do plan on doing so in the near future. The third season left a lot of fans heartbroken and displeased with George Martin, the author of the book series, but I have learned to love the unexpectedness of our favorite characters falling and the evil ones making their way into the fourth season. It is not how television usually works, where the main characters survive all perils.

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