Good afternoon Sales Prospecting Perspectives Readers! We hope you had a great Friday. With the holidays just around the corner, sales reps are calling prospects left and right hoping to reserve a place in their prospect's 2014 budget. We’re excited about Thanksgiving and Christmas, as evident by this Instagram picture. Starbucks holidays cups are here! It’s been a festive few days in the office, and we even celebrated the Red Sox win, a little late, with some cupcakes via Liberty Mutual Insurance. Today we’re rearing for another successful call day!
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Sales Prospecting Perspectives is pleased to bring you a post from Tom Diamond, IT Support Assistant and Business Development Representative at AG Salesworks. This is his blogging debut.
Contrary to popular belief, the Information Technology (IT) Department is much more than the tech people you go to when something is broken. One of the first things I learned during my IT education is that IT’s purpose is to bridge the gap between the needs of a business and the available technology.
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