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Cold Calling: You Get What You Put In!

sales prospecting effort

Back in the mid ‘90s, I was fresh out of college and managing a hotel front desk, with aspirations to one day become the General Manager. I quickly became accustomed to long hours and cranky business travelers, which most of us know can be challenging to say the least. At the time, a large percentage of my friends were living the high life at multiple tech company and making obscene amounts of money relative to their experience, as they were recent college graduates as well.

Does a True Inside Sales Team Player Care About Getting Credit?

Harry Truman

I'm a big teamwork guy. I like when everyone can share credit.

That may seem like an overly obvious statement for most of you out there, but if you asked yourself if you're a team player, what would your answer be? Deep down, do you prefer to collaborate with others or tackle things independently? I don't think there's really a right or wrong answer, but at some point, inevitably, you're most likely going to need to collaborate with a colleague or boss on a portion of your work in order to take it to the next level. 

As I've discovered over the years, the more responsibility I take on, the more I realize that working independently isn't really an option for me. As much as I would like to have direct control over my world, I realize that there are far too many moving parts for me to not have to rely on others for their input and insight. I'm perfectly fine with that, and I came to terms with that reality long ago. Most of us will have to if we have any intention of working in a management capacity or in inside sales. 

Inside Sales Advice: If You Bet on Yourself, You’ve Already Won

Charlie Day resized 600

This coming August, I will have been part of the AG Salesworks team for 10 years. It has been far and away the most time I've spent with any company in my career and also has been far and away the most challenging and enjoyable. 

10 to Zen: An Adaptation to Inside Sales

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Some folks would describe me as a bit of a hippy in my office. I'm fairly laid back and try to remain as even-keeled as possible. My disposition could have much to do with the amount of times I was hit in the head throughout my younger years... but I guess I have to roll with it. 

Beat the Brain Fog and Think Outside the Sales and Marketing Box

Think Outside the Box

... or if you're me, cut it up, douse it with glitter and make a star instead

Everyone suffers from groggy redundancy within their job.  Whether you've written the same email 10 times already that day, you've said the same exact thing on every single phone call, or you're at the point where you're just staring at your computer screen, you need a break, a breather, and some inspiration.

Is Optimism the Reason Sales Reps Are Successful?


When I meet with the newest additions to the AG family, I always make a point to let them know that we're not looking for a cookie-cutter employee. Everyone here has their own unique traits and a certain style that works for them. Using some creative license here or there is necessary when you cold call and keeps reps engaged in what many would consider the toughest part of selling.  

Sales Professionals: Learn to Lose, Learn to Fail

Learn to Fail

Have you heard the news lately?  You know, the story about the parent filing a “bullying” complaint against a rival town because his son’s high school football team got beat badly?  The final tally was 91-0.

How to Become a Thought Leader In Your Industry

Thought Leader

A company with a reputation for dependability, consistency and quality services or products will win consumers' business. Your company and the people within it should be seen as the leading experts in your industry, whether that be sales, marketing or, in AG Salesworks case, both. The faces of your company (for example, co-founders Pete Gracey or Paul Alves for AG), need to become thought leaders, challenging the status quo and writing books. However, claiming to be a thought leader doesn't make you one; others need to recognize you as the leading guru in your industry. Becoming a thought leader is harder than you think.  

Does the "Ra Ra" Approach Work for Struggling Sales Reps?


I would like to think that I'm a positive guy. It has served me well over the years in the sales game. In fact, I would argue that there is nothing more important than thinking positively... especially for those of us blessed to cold call all day long. 

Behind the Scenes of "The Upward Spiral:" Inspiration for the eBook

Inspiration for The Upward Spiral

Back in 1995, I got to know a Professor of Anthropology from Rhode Island College.  Richard was a great guy. He always had a smile on his face, and he seemed like a very happy person.  

As I got to know him better, I learned that he was in fact a very happy person.  His happiness came from several areas in his life. He had a wonderful family with whom he was able to spend lots of time, he was healthy, and one last thing: He loved his job.  He told me that he thought he was getting away with something each day as he woke up, got dressed and went off to work.  The fact that he was being paid to do something he loved so much was something he was very grateful for.  

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