Sales Prospecting Perspectives is pleased to bring you a guest post from Cari Zoch, Marketing Manager at Avention, a company that offers real-time, actionable B2B data to deliver 21st century business info, solutions for sales, marketing and research.
It’s no secret that the buyer’s journey has changed. Whether you’re looking at Google’s ZMOT theory or some other evaluation of the change in the process, it’s clear that customers are doing more research and talking to sales people later and later in the process. There have been countless articles written in attempts to coach organizations on how to get into the decision-making process earlier and earlier. There have probably been equally as many articles written on getting to the right buyer at the right time. But once you get to that buyer, are you presenting the right message and offering true solutions to their business problems, or are you pushing a set of product features trying to fit their needs into your product specs?
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It’s the second full week of 2014 and our client implementations are in full effect as we kick off the New Year. As you can imagine, one of the biggest components to ramping up these implementations is script development. The creation of scripts is key to making any teleprospecting campaign successful and is the first thing we look at when it comes to ramping projects. There are a ton of questions that arise throughout the scripting process, so I thought it would make sense to address some of those concerns.
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In sales, it is crucial to not only sell but to leave a good first impression, sale or no sale. I've had interactions with sales professionals ranging from ignoring their insistent calls when I've already told them I'm not interested, to becoming best friends with someone who prospected me over six years ago. For many people, their first interaction with your company may very well be with a sales member, and as the saying goes, "You never get a second chance to make a first impression."
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