Sales Prospecting Perspectives is pleased to bring you a guest post from Michael Powers, Events/Buzz Coordinator for NetProspex.
What good is data if you can’t properly use it?
You work hard to collect your marketing data. But sometimes, you collect so much data that it’s hard to make sense of all of it. In these instances, there’s a lot going on in your database, and it’s up to you to get a handle on it to ensure a good return on investment on all of that data.
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You Don’t Need a Weatherman to Know Which Way the Wind Blows…
Well, You Might in Marketing and Sales
Sales Prospecting Perspectives is pleased to bring you a guest post from Beth Cohen King, Director of Marketing at iLantern.
One of the famous Bob Dylan lyrics from "Subterranean Homesick Blues" implies that we should be reliant on our instincts, that we are capable of knowing which way the wind is blowing. In theory, we are capable of determining which way the wind blows, but can we know when it’s going to rain, and furthermore be prepared for when it does? Let’s not write off the weatherman just yet.
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There is a natural sequence to most of the activities we engage in on a daily basis. Every day is a series of steps leading to an endless amount of completed projects that combine to create what is our life. If you are hungry and need a meal, you find a recipe, shop for ingredients, cook, then eat. If your kids need new clothes, you find their size, their desired style, you shop, they wear the clothes... Job done.
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