When you come into work on a Monday morning after a fun and relaxing weekend, planning for your week is probably the last thing on your mind. But Mondays are the most important day of the week because you can plan what you are going to accomplish each day. Staying focused is a heavily discussed topic online and in the office. There are hundreds of things you can try, and everyone has their own ways to keep themselves motivated throughout the day, but I believe everyone can benefit from the following tips:
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Currently, I am working with two clients at AG Salesworks. I’ve been working with one client since February, and with the other client for only about two weeks. The transition from one client to another has to be smooth, and the focus on both clients needs to remain equal. It can be a stressful process to learn a new product and new style of communicating with sales reps and marketing contacts, but if you are organized and plan your days, then the process of ramping up will be easy.
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I can almost guarantee that the hardest days of work for inside sales reps are the first days back from vacation. At least they are for me. Everyone is longing to sleep in and be back with their family or friends. However, the transition back into work mode can be smooth if you stay organized. After having some time off last week, it was hard to put my mind back into the commuting, working and organizing mode.
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If you're human, then I assume you struggle, as most of us do, with balancing your time during the day. Sure, there might be days where you manage to check off every item on your list and it doesn't seem like such a monumental task, but that situation generally tends to be the exception more than the norm for us lately.
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