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How Do Inside Sales Reps Stay Focused Throughout The Day?


focus resized 600When you come into work on a Monday morning after a fun and relaxing weekend, planning for your week is probably the last thing on your mind. But Mondays are the most important day of the week because you can plan what you are going to accomplish each day. Staying focused is a heavily discussed topic online and in the office. There are hundreds of things you can try, and everyone has their own ways to keep themselves motivated throughout the day, but I believe everyone can benefit from the following tips:

Have a routine. Now, you do not want to get into a routine in the sense that you wander through the day doing mindless tasks in order to hit numbers or give the illusion you are busy. You want to enjoy your routine and make it work. Some people work better checking emails and touching base with clients first thing in the morning. If you like dialing when you get to work, call those prospects you can catch early, or those European prospects that are just coming back from lunch. You know yourself better than any of your directors and colleagues; do what is going to work best for you, but make sure you are maximizing your work time.

Give your brain small breaks. Don’t be afraid to walk around a few times and look away from your cubicle space. Grab some water from the cooler. Chat with your boss in person rather than via email. Hand deliver that memo to marketing. It is OK to break up your teleprospecting when you have time between meetings and scheduled calls. Turn away from the computer and discuss a really good or interesting call with a coworker. This can help clear your mind and recharge from the task list you know you have to finish before the day is over.

Clear off your desk. If you walk down any office hall, including AG’s, you’ll notice a variety of cleanliness on sales reps’ desks. Some people have scripts and client information pinned up everywhere, and other people have pictures of friends and family lining a cubicle wall. Both of these are fine, as I believe you should have some personal items in your space at work. The issue comes up when you are sifting through information while on a prospect call and cannot find what you need in a timely manner. Have a drawer with supplies you use almost daily, but don’t keep extra pens and notebooks on the desktop. Save your desk space for things you are focusing on at that time. If you have multiple clients, try to separate your information on each project before making dials. Also, take some time to physically clean your desk once in awhile. This can help your focus as well, so you are not staring at a dusty computer screen.

Remember water and snacks. This might sound silly, but I have trouble focusing if I don’t have my water bottle with me at my desk. Talking on the phone all day requires hydrating. Again, I know this sounds silly, but it’s true. Keeping small snacks in a drawer like granola bars or fruit can also help keep your brain focused on the list of To-Dos for the day. If your mind is wandering towards 12 p.m. and what’s for lunch, you are not going to be passing quality leads.

Do you have any tips that work well for you when trying to focus on daily activities?

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