I believe one of the most challenging aspects of sales teleprospecting is the first conversation.
You have less than a minute to prove yourself as a trustworthy sales rep. You only have your phone, your research, and your CRM to back you up. You can get bogged down by administrators or frustrated by curt replies. I’ve seen firsthand how extremely difficult it can be to build trust with a prospect on a first meeting.
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The age-old question that every sales manager asks themselves is, “How can I better motivate my reps?” We often talk about rewarding our reps with things like money, extra PTO, company outings, and culture to keep them engaged. The reality is that while all those incentives are necessary, we sometimes forget about the intangible ways we can motivate and keep reps interested. In a meeting with my boss yesterday, he reminded us of something that is right at our fingertips that we sometimes forget about: Empowerment. It plays a very large role when it comes to motivating sales reps and it’s a great way to better your team as a whole.
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Good afternoon, Sales Prospecting Perspectives readers. How was your week? Were you able to build your pipeline for 2014? Were you able to prioritize your marketing initiatives for the first and second quarter? Are your inside sales reps' progressing in the field of teleprospecting? This week, we've compiled articles to help you increase the value of your business and inside sales team.
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