Last week during a family dinner, I tried to explain to my parents what Linkedin was and how, as an inside sales rep, I utilize it for prospecting. Despite the fact that every time my father wants to text a member of our family he replies to a mass text I sent him months ago, resulting in the entire family receiving it, and the fact that my mother asks questions like, “Did you hear about what that celebrity wrote on their Tweeter-bird page?”, they seemed understand what I was saying.
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The office is teeming with people moving between desks, rushing to write information down or share something with a co-worker. Phone conversations can be heard from every corner of the office, and the voices mingle to produce one low drone, a din heard throughout. In one corner of the office, a man hangs up the phone and emits an exasperated sigh. In the other corner of the office, a woman jumps up for joy, pumping her fists in the air. There’s an air of excitement in the office: success could happen for anyone; anyone can make a difference. It’s a wild house of ambitious thrill-seekers; it’s a jungle in there.
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