I can almost guarantee that the hardest days of work for inside sales reps are the first days back from vacation. At least they are for me. Everyone is longing to sleep in and be back with their family or friends. However, the transition back into work mode can be smooth if you stay organized. After having some time off last week, it was hard to put my mind back into the commuting, working and organizing mode.
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Happy fourth of July! At AG, the enthusiasm around the office this week was palpable and it translated to our inside sales reps’ calling efforts. While many people discussed their plans for the 4th – a pool party, a trip to Boston – they also hunkered down so they could meet their numbers for the week and be able to leave early or even take an extra day off. We’d like to wish America “Happy Birthday” from all AG employees; we’re thankful for being able to work in this wonderful country.
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It’s Monday morning. You sit in your chair and elbow over a stack of papers in order to reach your keyboard. You open your email and check if your prospects have responded yet. If they don’t answer in a week, you’re just not going to contact them again. You think you might have a call scheduled today, but you aren’t sure what time. Maybe your prospect will just call you. Your thoughts are scrambled between big projects – meeting with the sales team to follow up on passed leads or working on a new script – and small projects – leaving 15-second voicemails and filing papers. It’s been 15 minutes, and just thinking about the work you have to do in the next 8 hours is making you stressed.
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