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8 Tips for Improving Open Rates for B2B Sales and Marketing Emails

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AG Salesworks is pleased to bring you a guest post from Janelle Johnson, Director of Demand Generation at Act-On Software. 

In B2B marketing, sales and marketing emails play different but equally important roles in a successful communication strategy. Marketing emails lure the leads, and sales reels them in. But if nobody ever opens your messages, they won’t do your organization much good. Getting a prospect to open an email can be extremely challenging in today’s crowded marketplace. Many of us get hundreds of emails every day. Which ones make you click? Which ones make you hit delete?

10 Aligned Lead Nurturing Statistics for B2B Sales and Marketing

Aligned Lead Nurturing

Many companies aren’t utilizing the full potential of their lead nurturing campaigns.

They’re passing all lead nurturing responsibilities to marketing.

They’re separating the lead nurturing cycle from the sales funnel.

And they’re not aligning their departments for better conversions.

According to a study by CSO Insights, underwritten by Velocify, 42.3% of companies nurture leads by handing them off to marketing, who then engages and remains active with them through lead nurturing campaigns until they’re ready to buy.

Sales Prospecting Perspectives Weekly Recap - Week of February 7, 2024

Weekly Recap

Happy Friday, Sales Prospecting Perspectives readers! It's finally the weekend. After a snow-laden week here at AG, with icy roads and cold winds, we're ready to go home, sit by the fire, and watch the Sochi Winter Olympics. We'll be cheering on America while also taking a close look at how the event is marketed. We'll also be brainstorming some inside sales enablement contests inspired by the Olympics' team spirit.

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