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Sales Prospecting Perspectives Weekly Recap - Week of February 7, 2024


Weekly RecapHappy Friday, Sales Prospecting Perspectives readers! It's finally the weekend. After a snow-laden week here at AG, with icy roads and cold winds, we're ready to go home, sit by the fire, and watch the Sochi Winter Olympics. We'll be cheering on America while also taking a close look at how the event is marketed. We'll also be brainstorming some inside sales enablement contests inspired by the Olympics' team spirit.

Without further ado, here are our favorite sales and marketing articles from this week: 

  • HubSpot interviewed Buzzfeed's Newsletter Editor to find out how the company known for gifs and cat pictures revived the email newsletter.
  • At Salesforce, Stuart Leung detailed how to make a successful sales pitch in 7 steps. Did you know that studies show that 82% of sellers are out-of-sync with buyers? 
  • Teleprospecting requires the ability to start an engaging conversation. Debra Ellis's article details exactly what questions to ask in quality B2B conversations that your customers will want to answer. 
  • Social media isn't just a B2C thing. Fast Company wrote a post that will ensure that B2B companies aren't the odd ones out on social media networks. These social media tips will improve your marketing.
  • Public speaking and inside sales teleprospecting aren't as different as they seem. We wrote a guest blog post for with several public speaking tips for teleprospectors. These tips can help inside sales reps teleprospect with confidence, optimism, and brevity.
And here are this week's blog posts from Sales Prospecting Perspectives!
Monday: On Monday, Sam Goldman wrote How to Organize Your CRM for Inside Sales Success. As a trainer for new inside sales reps, Sam Goldman often organizes her CRM so new hires can observe how she uses it. Her 5 tips for keeping an organized CRM include log all activities and only keep necessary tabs open. The post should be helpful for anyone hoping to organize their inside sales work life.

Tuesday: Mike Ricciardelli on Tuesday wrote Cold Case: Finding the Right Contact in Inside Sales. Often, inside sales reps are like detectives, sleuthing for the decision-maker at a large company. Finding the right person is, according to Ricciardelli, an underrated function of the sales process. He provides five comprehensive tips for cracking the case, including craft a referral email and use the help of administrative assistants. 

 On Wednesday, guest blogger Kevin Thornton wrote Inside Sales & the Mobile Workforce: Tips for Managing Telecommuters. He concentrated on tips for inside sales managers supervising from afar as well as tools for inside sales reps teleprospecting from afar. Telecommuting definitely has its benefits, which he details at length in the beginning of the post, but only if it's done right. In 2014, more and more millennials are demanding flexibility and the ability to work at home. However, this option should only be available if there are efficient managers to ensure productivity. 

 Finally, on Thursday, we posted an excerpt from an eBook to which our Senior Vice President of Marketing and Sales Richard April contributed. In his post, How to Successfully Execute a B2B Marketing Strategy, he details the next steps after developing a marketing strategy. This includes content creation, social media participation, and analytics monitering. 
Thanks for reading Sales Prospecting Perspectives this week! What were your favorite articles? 
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