AG Salesworks is currently undergoing some exciting remodeling so we're postponing Sales Prospecting Perspectives posts until we're finished. However, check out our sister company QuotaFactory's blog, Sales Wars, for sales acceleration tips and more!

Sales Prospecting Perspectives

5 Prospecting Strategies for Obtaining Sales Context

Posted by Michaela Cheevers on Tue, Feb 17, 2024 @ 09:49 AM


Sales Context is an important part of any conversation, as it directly correlates to the potential of a sale. With 54% of sales reps not making quota this year according to SiriusDecisions, it’s imperative that you teach your team to make the most of Sales Context, the information that can influence a sale. My job as an SDR is to extract these essential pieces of Sales Context for my clients while also nurturing a relationship with my prospects so they feel comfortable discussing their current environment and any pains they may be experiencing.

Here are 5 prospecting strategies that I employ to obtain Sales Context during every conversation I have.

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Tags: Sales Prospecting, Call Strategy, B2B Sales Success

How to Motivate Your Sales Development Team through December Holidays

Posted by Kim Staib on Mon, Dec 15, 2023 @ 09:30 AM

christmas-tree-227014_1280 Anyone who knows me understands my deep-rooted, unapologetic hatred for winter weather.  That first winter chill in the air that hits Boston in November and stays until March (and oftentimes through April in New England) is a constant reminder that I grew up in the wrong climate.  I stare longingly at the “beach of the day” calendar that sits on my desk as the temperature continues to drop and the possibility of massive snowstorms loom.  There is, however, one thing I do like about winter, and that is the month of December.

Like most people, I love Christmas.  I love the beautiful twinkling lights everywhere, shopping for gifts, and spending quality time with friends and family.  December is also a deceptively great month for sales prospecting as outlined in an earlier blog from Craig Ferrara.  What December brings to the operations team is an opportunity to come up with some creative ways to manage our sales development team.  Below are a few sales motivation tips for your teams in the month of December.

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Tags: Sales Motivation, Inside Sales Management, Coaching, Call Strategy, B2B Sales Success

3 Reasons Your Call Strategy Must Have More Influencers than C-Suites

Posted by Kim Staib on Mon, Dec 1, 2023 @ 09:30 AM

If you work in outsourced B2B lead gen, you know this moment in a conversation all too well:

Sales Partner: Can you tell me what criteria you want us to follow when procuring data?

Client: Well, we want only C-level executives, in companies with over 250 million in annual revenue.  Our sales reps won’t take calls with anyone who has a lower title.  What’s the point if they’re not the ones who will sign off on the budget?  We don’t want to waste our time with Managers or Directors.

And there you have it.  You’ve just been “C-Bombed.”  

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Tags: Sales Strategy, B2B Lead Generation, Outsourcing Teleprospecting, Client Management, Call Strategy, B2B Sales Success

10 Inside Sales Lessons Learned Over 10 Years at AG Salesworks

Posted by Craig Ferrara on Tue, Aug 12, 2023 @ 09:30 AM

Last week was my 10-year anniversary at AG. At times, 10 years seems like eons ago, but honestly most of the time it truly feels as if time has flown by. During this period, I bought a condo, got married, had a child (who is now 7), sold a condo, and bought a house... all while watching AG grow from an 8-person shop to the 60 folks we are today. 

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Tags: Teleprospecting, Data Management, Inside Sales Management, Sales Prospecting, Coaching, Closed-Loop Feedback, B2B Inside Sales, Inside Sales Training, Call Strategy

4 Quick Research Tips to Build a Warmer Pipeline for Teleprospecting

Posted by Maureen Wall on Tue, May 13, 2024 @ 10:00 AM

Let’s face it: Not every cold call campaign is created equal. Data integrity and relevance vary with each purchased list, and these new lists are far from free. In a sales world that’s becoming more social, it’s more important to target and personalize your messages to prospects, setting yourself apart from the rest and refusing to provide "another sales pitch." Below are 4 ways to quickly find and engage more relevant contacts, building a warmer pipeline for prospecting. 

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Tags: Sales Motivation, Buying Process, Teleprospecting, Data Management, Sales Prospecting, Cold Calling, List Development, Social Selling, B2B Inside Sales, Call Strategy, Sales Messaging

What is a Realistic Number of Cold Calls to Make on a Daily Basis?

Posted by Craig Ferrara on Tue, May 6, 2024 @ 10:00 AM

There is nothing better than a sales manager who can speak from real experience when providing advice. It can be very difficult to relate to a boss who seems like they need to refer to a sales instruction manual.  It was always encouraging to know that my boss, at one point, had walked in my shoes and understood how to do the job. 

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Tags: Sales Strategy, Sales and Marketing Alignment, Teleprospecting, Inside Sales Management, Sales Prospecting, Cold Calling, B2B Inside Sales, Inside Sales Training, B2B Marketing, Call Strategy, B2B Sales Success

How Inside Sales Reps Can Manage Stress When Teleprospecting

Posted by Patrice Morrison on Mon, Apr 28, 2024 @ 10:00 AM

The day in the life of an inside sales rep is very active. It’s understandable that a representative would be put under a lot of stress. There is a lot of pressure to hit your monthly goals, stay on top of tasks and activity, update reports, and follow up with lead appointments. If you don’t stay organized, it's easy to fall behind and lose momentum. Here are a few tips to help you stay on task and manage your stress.

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Tags: Sales Strategy, Sales Motivation, Inside Sales Management, Sales Prospecting, Optimism, B2B Inside Sales, Client Management, Call Strategy, Reporting Metrics

Time Management Tips for Cold Calling Inside Sales Reps

Posted by Craig Ferrara on Tue, Apr 22, 2024 @ 10:00 AM

Over the years, I found that I innately gravitate towards the part of my job I enjoy doing the most. I think we're all guilty of that at times. In fact, I would argue that most of us gravitate away from cold calling.  In my experience it has been rare to see someone swan dive into cold dials every day. Generally, I had a pre-calling ritual before I got going, but there were still days when it seemed as if it took me an entire morning to get warmed up. 

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Tags: Sales Strategy, Sales Motivation, Sales Prospecting, Cold Calling, Email Prospecting, B2B Inside Sales, Call Strategy

The End Game: How to Create Opportunities Early In Inside Sales

Posted by Samantha Goldman on Mon, Apr 14, 2024 @ 10:00 AM

With a family background in sales, it’s no wonder I love competition, organization, and numbers. I like that every month your slate is wiped clean and you have another 30 days to crush your numbers. But not only is sales a month-to-month game; it's also quarterly and yearly. The cycle in which we work in inside sales is organized and allows you to plan your time accordingly.

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Tags: Sales Strategy, Sales Motivation, Buying Process, B2B Lead Generation, Sales Prospecting, Social Selling, Email Prospecting, Sales Process, B2B Inside Sales, Call Strategy

Sales & Marketing Alignment: 3 Ways to Close the Gap

Posted by Megan Tonzi on Wed, Mar 5, 2024 @ 10:00 AM

AG Salesworks is pleased to bring you a guest post from Janelle Johnson, Director of Demand Generation at Act-On Software. 

For sales and marketing teams, reaching across the aisle can be a foreign concept. In some cases, that’s putting it mildly.

To be sure, there are salespeople and marketers who comfortably co-exist. Sometimes they even eat lunch together.

But the prevailing opinion is firmly entrenched: Sales and marketing just don’t get along. Don’t understand each other. Don’t cooperate. Aren’t aligned. And, as a consequence, campaign ROI often suffers.

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Tags: Sales and Marketing Alignment, B2B Lead Generation, B2B Inside Sales, B2B Marketing, Call Strategy, Sales Messaging, B2B Lead Management

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