AG Salesworks is currently undergoing some exciting remodeling so we're postponing Sales Prospecting Perspectives posts until we're finished. However, check out our sister company QuotaFactory's blog, Sales Wars, for sales acceleration tips and more!

Sales Prospecting Perspectives

Why is December a Great Month for B2B Sales Prospecting?

Posted by Craig Ferrara on Tue, Dec 2, 2023 @ 09:30 AM

Historically, the typical sales rep thinks that prospecting and December do not mix. The mindset is that generally the last month of the year should be spent getting deals in and preparing for the following year.  No one really picks up the phone this time of year, right?

Wrong. And I'm not just saying this from the perspective of AG Salesworks, a B2B lead gen company that prospects year round. 

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Tags: Teleprospecting, B2B Lead Generation, Sales Prospecting, Outbound Prospecting, B2B Sales Success, Reporting Metrics, B2B Lead Management

What I Really Want to Know About My Sales Reps' Qualified Leads

Posted by Kim Staib on Mon, Nov 17, 2023 @ 08:30 AM

If you follow the Sales Prospecting Perspectives blog, you are aware that the subject BANT has been extensively covered, and the acronym has been deemed “dead.”

The sales term “BANT qualified lead” has become the bane of my existence since becoming an inside sales manager at AG Salesworks, a client-based organization.  When it comes down to it, there are components of BANT that are valuable.  Of course a sales rep would want to know a prospect’s Budget, Authority, Need, and Timeframe, but let’s be honest: despite how good the lead is, chances are that one or more of these components will be missing.  

So I started asking myself: What is it I really want to know when I’m reviewing a lead from one of my sales reps, and how do I communicate that to a client to get them to modify their opinion of “BANT qualified?”

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Tags: Teleprospecting, B2B Lead Generation, Lead Qualification, B2B Inside Sales, B2B Lead Management

3 Tips for Nurturing Prospects in Inside Sales

Posted by Megan Tonzi on Thu, Sep 11, 2023 @ 09:30 AM

Sales Prospecting Perspectives is pleased to bring you a post from Taylor Lacey, Business Development Representative at AG Salesworks.

What do you picture when you hear the word "nurture?"

Many people may think of a plant "nurtured" to full health. In inside sales, potential customers can also be nurtured. If they aren't a good fit now, does that mean they will always be unqualified for your product or service? Or can they slowly become a lead by means of a strong lead nurturing campaign? 

We’ve all seen the contact who doesn’t quite fit the qualifying criteria and is automatically added to the nurture bucket. These are three important tips to remember when nurturing prospects.

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Tags: Buying Process, Teleprospecting, Sales Prospecting, B2B Inside Sales, Handling Sales Objections, B2B Lead Management

Sales and Marketing Alignment Equals More Revenue

Posted by Megan Tonzi on Wed, Jul 23, 2023 @ 09:30 AM

AG Salesworks is pleased to present you with a guest blog post from Brian Serino, SVP of Sales and Business Development at NetProspex. 

We’re all familiar with the deep-rooted battle between sales and marketing. It goes something like this: sales blames marketing for their inability to produce quality leads, while marketers fault sales for their lack of lead management skills. In this battle, however, there is no winner, because when sales and marketing teams work individually, poor lead management results on both sides.

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Tags: Sales and Marketing Alignment, B2B Lead Generation, Lead Qualification, B2B Inside Sales, B2B Marketing, B2B Sales Success, B2B Lead Management

Join Us for Our First Twitter Chat, #ProspectingChat, Today!

Posted by Allison Tetreault on Thu, Jul 17, 2023 @ 09:00 AM

As you may already know, AG Salesworks is an active user on Twitter. We share insights and posts from many sales and marketing thought leaders and tweet sales prospecting best practices every day. Today, we’re excited to be hosting our very own Twitter chat, #ProspectingChat, at 1:30 PM EST / 10:30 AM PST!

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Tags: Sales Strategy, Sales and Marketing Alignment, Content Marketing, Sales Prospecting, Social Selling, B2B Marketing, B2B Lead Management

8 Tips for Improving Open Rates for B2B Sales and Marketing Emails

Posted by Megan Tonzi on Wed, Jul 9, 2023 @ 09:35 AM

AG Salesworks is pleased to bring you a guest post from Janelle Johnson, Director of Demand Generation at Act-On Software. 

In B2B marketing, sales and marketing emails play different but equally important roles in a successful communication strategy. Marketing emails lure the leads, and sales reels them in. But if nobody ever opens your messages, they won’t do your organization much good. Getting a prospect to open an email can be extremely challenging in today’s crowded marketplace. Many of us get hundreds of emails every day. Which ones make you click? Which ones make you hit delete?

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Tags: Sales Prospecting, Email Prospecting, B2B Marketing, B2B Lead Management

[INFOGRAPHIC] The Aligned Lead Nurturing Funnel

Posted by Allison Tetreault on Tue, Jul 8, 2023 @ 09:30 AM

At AG Salesworks, we talk about aligning sales and marketing departments quite a bit. By now, most people know that in a successful business, B2B sales and marketing need to work together.

However, many people still harbor a misguided notion about what sales and marketing alignment really is. It's not just a mindset. It's a merging of actionable business processes.

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Tags: Sales Enablement, Sales and Marketing Alignment, Buying Process, Sales Process, B2B Inside Sales, B2B Lead Management

5 Most Frequently Asked Questions About Outsourcing Inside Sales

Posted by Laney Dowling on Mon, Jun 30, 2023 @ 09:35 AM

I have the opportunity to join calls with our inside sales team during the sales process frequently. It is exciting to speak with executives at companies who are in the beginning stages of creating an inside sales team themselves or are entertaining the idea of outsourcing. Choosing to outsource the function is often the result of these conversations, usually because these companies haven’t quite mastered best practices yet and need support. I really enjoy the task of taking on engagements to help develop the inside sales function, whether we continue our efforts after the first few months once up to altitude, or whether we hand off the inside sales processes to them once they’re running at full capacity.

During the initial discussions with sales and marketing executives, there are always common themes in the questions that are asked. As AG Salesworks is a top consideration for many companies out there, I thought it would make sense to address the questions that I hear the most:

1. How many opportunities should I expect to see per month, after the team is fully ramped?

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Tags: Teleprospecting, B2B Lead Generation, Lead Qualification, List Development, Outsourcing Teleprospecting, B2B Inside Sales, B2B Lead Management

10 Aligned Lead Nurturing Statistics for B2B Sales and Marketing

Posted by Allison Tetreault on Tue, Jun 24, 2023 @ 10:05 AM

Many companies aren’t utilizing the full potential of their lead nurturing campaigns.

They’re passing all lead nurturing responsibilities to marketing.

They’re separating the lead nurturing cycle from the sales funnel.

And they’re not aligning their departments for better conversions.

According to a study by CSO Insights, underwritten by Velocify, 42.3% of companies nurture leads by handing them off to marketing, who then engages and remains active with them through lead nurturing campaigns until they’re ready to buy.

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Tags: Sales and Marketing Alignment, Content Marketing, Email Prospecting, B2B Marketing, B2B Lead Management

Timeliness Matters: 3 Ways to Stay Ahead in Sales

Posted by Megan Tonzi on Wed, Jun 18, 2023 @ 09:30 AM

Sales Prospecting Perspectives is pleased to bring you a guest post from Amanda Maksymiw, Content Marketing Manager at Lattice Engines. 

Back in 2011, the Harvard Business Review educated us on exactly what timely manner meant. One hour. In fact, when companies reached out to prospects within an hour, they were seven times more like to qualify the lead. The Lead Management Study from cites even more startling stats: “The odds of contacting a lead if called in 5 minutes versus 30 minutes drop 100 times. The odds of qualifying a lead if called in 5 minutes versus 30 minutes drop 21 times.

Simply put, whether prospecting a lead from an inbound program or from your website, sales needs to be proactive and follow up in a timely manner. Here are a few ideas to help sales reps get ahead of the clock.

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Tags: Sales and Marketing Alignment, Buying Process, Teleprospecting, Data Management, Sales Prospecting, B2B Marketing, B2B Lead Management

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