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How Inside Sales Reps Can Manage Stress When Teleprospecting


Inside Sales StressThe day in the life of an inside sales rep is very active. It’s understandable that a representative would be put under a lot of stress. There is a lot of pressure to hit your monthly goals, stay on top of tasks and activity, update reports, and follow up with lead appointments. If you don’t stay organized, it's easy to fall behind and lose momentum. Here are a few tips to help you stay on task and manage your stress.

1. Look at the small picture.

The idea of beginning of a brand new month or quarter can quickly become overwhelming. Focusing on the big picture can cause a lot of stress. The best way to confront your monthly and quarterly quota is to break them down into smaller goals. For example, instead of focusing on your monthly goal, create weekly goals to help you stay on course. This way, you will continuously be working towards your big picture goal little by little.

2. Make a list.

Maintaining a list of the tasks you need to complete each day is a helpful way to keep your day organized. I like knowing what to expect throughout the day and allowing myself time to complete each item. I usually organize my task list by priority and time.

3. Create a schedule.

Creating a schedule will work hand-in-hand with the list. A schedule is an easier way to keep an eye on your time frame. There are only so many hours in the day, so it’s very important to make good use of every moment throughout your day. Use your resources. I like to add certain events and high priority tasks to my email calendar so I receive pop-up reminders. This is a great tool because it reminds me when I have meetings or scheduled follow up calls.

4. Meet weekly with your manager.

 Having weekly meetings with your manager is a great way to stay on top of your job responsibilities. This is a perfect opportunity to discuss goals and tasks for the upcoming week so you’re both on the same page and there are no surprises.

5. Take 5.

Some days can be more overwhelming than others. You may think it would be beneficial to work through lunch on occasion or skip your break to get more activities done. This may be necessary at times when you’re backed up. But please, don’t forget to take a quick break every once in a while, even if it’s just for 5 minutes. Take a lap around the office, chat with a coworker, check out your favorite Tumblr blog, or read a popular article that has been circulating... Whatever works to get your mind off of things for a moment! When you return to your work, you will have a clear mind and return back to your tasks with a little less stress.

6. Maintain a positive attitude.

Keeping a positive outlook is another way to relieve stress. Optimism is a key quality of a successful inside sales rep. By maintaining a positive outlook and projecting the positive energy into all of your activities, you will have a much more pleasant work experience. You will also be sharing that positive energy with your coworkers, prospects, and clients which will create better conversation and help you to establish positive relationships.

As inside sales reps, we’re faced with stressful situations every day. By being organized and optimistic, you can avoid feeling overwhelmed and instead experience excitement for what the day, week, month, or quarter will bring.

Optimism Guide for Inside Sales Reps

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