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Sales Prospecting List Development-Topic Overview

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Has this happened to you?


After investing a significant portion of your B2B demand generation budget in a "Quality" prospecting list, your initial dials were hardly met with enthusiastic cheers and instant riches.  To the contrary, your direct line to the targeted decision maker, to your surprise and embarrassment, is answered by an admin who informs you (insert sarcasm) that your high priced contact, "hasn't work here for two years!”  At this point, you’ve triggered the ‘sales call’ alarm, which well likely divert any business discussion to; "You know what, why don't you can mail the information to 1000 Corporate Drive or you can email it to If someone is interested they will get back to you." 


This is a pretty common scenario in the world of B2B Sales Prospecting. In many situations, I have found that the only bit of value a list can provide is the number to the corporate office and the email format.


So what questions should we be asking ourselves before we move forward with a list vendor?


Are the contact titles accurate?

Are the emails addresses valid?

Do they even work there anymore?


Bottom line is there is no easy answer to these questions. Even the best list vendors generally cannot fully deliver you the “dream list”. 


This week, I plan to cover list building strategies and how to maximize your investment.  




Tuesday: The most important piece of information you need when purchasing a list...

Wednesday: The best companies in the list generation biz..

Thursday: Should I purchase or rent my lists?

Friday: Build the list on your own! 




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