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Getting Into The Mind of Your Prospect

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Over the course of the next several weeks, I want to share some thoughts on getting into the mind of your prospect, along with tips that have proven effective for my team when they are making those initial cold dials.  

I think most of us in the sales game will admit that cold calling is easily the least appealing part of the job. We would much rather be running a demo for a prospect that is actually interested in talking to us or focus our effort in working a big deal that could make or break our quarter. The unfortunate reality, these days, with inside sales teams being laid-off and marketing budgets being cut, results in a lead flow that  has dwindled down to a slow trickle for most companies. Sales reps are accustomed to performing for a captive audience...but what do you do when someone just hangs up while you're half way through your glorious intro? How dare they?! You mean to tell me that my 5 minute elevator pitch didn't blow their mind?

It can be difficult to shift your approach from a fully engaged prospect to someone that knows nothing of your product. All they are wondering is why are you interrupting their busy day with a useless phone call that they tuned out of 1 minute into your 5 minute intro.

Since we all know cold calling is a necessary evil, most reps are asking themselves what needs to be done when they pick-up the phone after an extended lay-off.  A common problem I see for the average sales guy is being able to flip that switch from rainmaker to lead generator. Some might see this as beneath them, but if your entire inside sales team was laid off you probably won't have a choice.

So what needs to be done when you flip that switch to becoming a cold call master? Bottom line, CHECK YOUR EGO AT THE DOOR! If you are not taking the initiative to carve out time in your day to drum up new blood, eventually you won't be running any demos or working any deals. 


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