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Knowing When to Shift Strategies


They say that doing something the same way over and over and expecting different results is the definition of insanity.  My job as a Director of Client Operations at AG Salesworks is to recognize when a process or message that we are using is not generating the expected results and to be able to offer my clients an alternative strategy.

When managing a teleprospecting team, it is important to recognize when your process and methodology isn't yielding the desired results.  One of my BDRs was working on a project recently where the results were not in line with what we anticipated.  I had spent time listening in on his calls and he was following the right call process, yet the leads were not coming.   I sat down with my client and outlined a few different strategies that I felt might increase our lead rate.  We implemented these strategies and saw our connect rate increase 40% and our lead rate increase 2%.  In this case it just ended up that by changing some verbiage in our emails and targeting a different audience was all that it took to see an increase in qualified sales leads.

If you are using an outsourced teleprospecting team, do you consider them experts in the field?  Do you trust that they will present new ideas and adapt or change their process if you are seeing below average results?


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