Sales Prospecting Perspectives

5 Voicemail Tips Every Sales Development Rep Should Be Using

Posted by Megan Toohey on Wed, Oct 22, 2023 @ 09:30 AM

Sales Prospecting Perspectives is pleased to bring you a guest blog from Greg Klingshirn, Content Marketing Manager at SalesLoft

Cold calls are the bread and butter of successful sales development reps. But what about the times you call and don’t get an answer? Leaving a message is a hard starting point to a demo or qualified appointment.

Instead of being dejected when you don’t get an answer, use it to your advantage. When you’re confident in voicemail, prospects that don’t answer can be your silver bullet.

Leave a voicemail to remember with these five tips:

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Tags: Messaging, Teleprospecting, Sales Prospecting Strategies, Sales Development, Voicemail Prospecting, Outbound Prospecting

Is There a Perfect Personality Trait for Inside Sales Reps?

Posted by Craig Ferrara on Tue, Oct 21, 2023 @ 09:30 AM

Last week I spoke of a few traits I look for when hiring inside sales reps looking to join the AG ranks. One of the specific traits I highlighted was having the innate confidence to do the job. Some reps might show all the outward signs that they’re a sales natural, but when the stage is theirs and they need to rise to the occasion, they fall flat. The reverse could be said for the perceived introvert. Just because they don’t want to be the center of attention doesn’t mean that they can’t get the job done when they’re under fire.
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Tags: Sales Call Reluctance, Inside Sales Management, Coaching Tips, Sales Development, B2B Inside Sales, Inside Sales Training, Sales Hiring Strategies

Supercharge Your Sales and Marketing Vocabulary

Posted by Greg Klingshirn on Wed, Jul 30, 2023 @ 11:30 AM

Sales Prospecting Perspectives is pleased to bring you a guest blog from Greg Klingshirn, Content Marketing Manager at SalesLoft

From breakthroughs to benefits and from profits to process, the words used to present your product or service to prospects are instrumental to your success.

There’s no denying that the persuasive power of certain words can increase conversion rates and shift a buyer’s behavior. First impressions are far more valuable to engaging a potential customer than you may think. But have you identified these words?

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Tags: Buying Process, Teleprospecting, Product Pitching, Sales Prospecting Strategies, Social Selling, Product Information, Sales Relationships, Sales Development, Sales Goals, B2B Inside Sales, Handling Sales Objections