Sales Prospecting Perspectives

3 Myths About Power Dialing When it Comes to Sales Teleprospecting

Posted by Laney Dowling on Mon, Nov 3, 2023 @ 08:30 AM

“I didn’t have a power dialing session on Monday, and I missed it,” said a B2B inside sales rep on my team last week. Ah – music to my ears. For the past year, I’ve spent a lot of my time investigating power dialing tools and methodologies. Everyone seems to have an opinion on power dialing versus traditional manual dialing. I understand where the naysayers are coming from – I had those thoughts when I first started, too. However, after I began adopting the technology, I had a change in mindset, and  my life is a heck of a whole lot easier. The same goes for my sales reps.

Here are three myths about power dialing  that we have squashed over the last several months:

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Tags: Messaging, Data Quality, B2B Teleprospecting, Teleprospecting Strategies, B2B Inside Sales, Sales Prospecting Tips

5 Voicemail Tips Every Sales Development Rep Should Be Using

Posted by Megan Toohey on Wed, Oct 22, 2023 @ 09:30 AM

Sales Prospecting Perspectives is pleased to bring you a guest blog from Greg Klingshirn, Content Marketing Manager at SalesLoft

Cold calls are the bread and butter of successful sales development reps. But what about the times you call and don’t get an answer? Leaving a message is a hard starting point to a demo or qualified appointment.

Instead of being dejected when you don’t get an answer, use it to your advantage. When you’re confident in voicemail, prospects that don’t answer can be your silver bullet.

Leave a voicemail to remember with these five tips:

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Tags: Messaging, Sales Development, Teleprospecting Strategies, Voicemail Prospecting, Outbound Prospecting, Sales Prospecting Tips

Why Prospects AND Reps Will Love These 2 Sales Voicemail Templates

Posted by Allison Tetreault on Thu, Oct 16, 2023 @ 09:30 AM

If you’re in sales, a lot of your time is spent on the phone -- outbound prospecting, inbound qualifying, cold calling, you name it. You may have a list of questions you want to ask your prospect, and you may have a roadmap for the direction you want your conversation to go. However, what happens when your prospect doesn’t answer the phone?

You’ll need to leave a voicemail that doesn’t get ignored or deleted immediately. If the average voicemail response rate is 4.8% according to InsideSales, how can you generate enough interest in prospects that they call you back?

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Tags: Messaging, Teleprospecting Strategies, Voicemail Prospecting, Outbound Prospecting, Sales Prospecting Tips

A Story About Why Building Credibility Matters When Teleprospecting

Posted by Maureen Wall on Mon, Oct 13, 2023 @ 09:30 AM

The other day, I encountered one of the rudest and pushiest sales people I’ve ever come across. No, it wasn’t a used car salesman, and no, it wasn’t one of those ladies at the perfume counter who sprays before asking.

Surprisingly, it was someone from a very reputable technology company looking to sell us additional services.

Here’s how the conversation went:

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Tags: Inside Sales Professional, Resourcefulness, Salespeople, Teleprospecting, Sales Prospecting Strategies, Sales Relationships, B2B Teleprospecting, Teleprospecting Strategies, B2B Inside Sales, Sales Prospecting Tactics

8 Opportunities for Quality Conversations in Inside Sales

Posted by Megan Toohey on Fri, Sep 19, 2023 @ 09:30 AM

Sales Prospecting Perspectives is pleased to bring you a post from Michaela Cheevers, Business Development Representative at AG Salesworks.

As a business development representative, it is important to make every contact attempt count in order to provide your client with the best information possible. Inside sales reps have the same imperative: maximize time by qualifying prospects creatively. That being said, it’s crucial to be prepared when communicating with anyone in your quest for information. No matter who you get live on the phone, chances are they can provide you with some information; you just need to be equipped with the right questions to ask. Here are some ideas for inside sales and business development reps to find opportunities for quality conversations, no matter where you find yourself in the prospecting trenches.

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Tags: Inside Sales Reps, Quality Conversations, Lead Qualification, Social Selling, Email Prospecting, B2B Teleprospecting, Teleprospecting Strategies, Voicemail Prospecting, Sales Opportunities, B2B Inside Sales, Sales Prospecting Tactics

How to Balance 3 Teleprospecting Techniques To Manage Your Lists

Posted by Maureen Wall on Mon, Sep 15, 2023 @ 09:30 AM

In the world of teleprospecting, many thought leaders are debating the efficacy of new and old techniques. With more and more sales leaders implementing new strategies, it's important for inside sales rep to keep up with the trends. However, don't feel you have to choose one technique and stick to it. Instead, learn to balance your techniques and manage your lists. Social selling is time-consuming, and it cuts out the ability to speak to prospects for a lengthy amount of time about their pains and needs, but it could lead to stronger opportunities. You may find that your team has more activity from the smile and dial method, but without some social intelligence behind these calls, those leads could be dead ends. Below are three things to consider when using commonly used prospecting techniques to find the balance that works right for you.

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Tags: Prospecting Strategies, Marketing, Quality Conversations, Teleprospecting, Cold Calling, Social Selling, Email Prospecting, Social Media, Prospecting, Teleprospecting Strategies, Research, Outbound Sales, Inbound Prospecting

3 Tips for Nurturing Prospects in Inside Sales

Posted by Megan Toohey on Thu, Sep 11, 2023 @ 09:30 AM

Sales Prospecting Perspectives is pleased to bring you a post from Taylor Lacey, Business Development Representative at AG Salesworks.

What do you picture when you hear the word "nurture?"

Many people may think of a plant "nurtured" to full health. In inside sales, potential customers can also be nurtured. If they aren't a good fit now, does that mean they will always be unqualified for your product or service? Or can they slowly become a lead by means of a strong lead nurturing campaign? 

We’ve all seen the contact who doesn’t quite fit the qualifying criteria and is automatically added to the nurture bucket. These are three important tips to remember when nurturing prospects.

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Tags: Sales Consultant, Prospecting Strategies, Inside Sales, Buying Process, Lead Nurturing, Teleprospecting Strategies, Lead Scoring, Handling Sales Objections

5 Suggestions to Keep In Mind When Training a Teleprospecting Team

Posted by Craig Ferrara on Tue, Aug 26, 2023 @ 09:27 AM

Last week, I had the chance to help train a fresh new crop of recruits for a long-time client of ours. After 12 years of trying to figure this teleprospecting thing out, I'd say we're completely sold on how we do things internally around here. The interesting part for me is seeing how others not immersed in the AG Salesworks culture react to our process and mindset. Fortunately, most of the post-training feedback was in line with what we wanted to hear. The long and the short of it was that we helped provide a framework on how to best attack all warm and cold opportunities. Sometimes, all inside sales need is a place to start. 

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Tags: Inside Sales Teams, Inside Sales, Teleprospecting, Inside Sales Management, B2B Teleprospecting, Teleprospecting Strategies, B2B Inside Sales, Teleprospecting Coaching Tips, Inside Sales Training

10 Inside Sales Lessons Learned Over 10 Years at AG Salesworks

Posted by Craig Ferrara on Tue, Aug 12, 2023 @ 09:30 AM

Last week was my 10-year anniversary at AG. At times, 10 years seems like eons ago, but honestly most of the time it truly feels as if time has flown by. During this period, I bought a condo, got married, had a child (who is now 7), sold a condo, and bought a house... all while watching AG grow from an 8-person shop to the 60 folks we are today. 

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Tags: Inside Sales, Data Quality, Inside Sales Management, Sales Prospecting Strategies, Coaching Tips, Compensation, Call Plan, Sales Management, Teleprospecting Strategies, Closed Loop Feedback, Inside Sales Training

How to Have an Effective First Conversation When B2B Teleprospecting

Posted by Laney Dowling on Mon, Jul 28, 2023 @ 09:30 AM

I believe one of the most challenging aspects of sales teleprospecting is the first conversation.

You have less than a minute to prove yourself as a trustworthy sales rep. You only have your phone, your research, and your CRM to back you up. You can get bogged down by administrators or frustrated by curt replies. I’ve seen firsthand how extremely difficult it can be to build trust with a prospect on a first meeting.

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Tags: Quality Conversations, Teleprospecting, Sales Prospecting Strategies, B2B Teleprospecting, Sales Prospecting, Teleprospecting Strategies, Script Development, B2B Inside Sales, Sales Prospecting Tactics