Sales Prospecting Perspectives

#ProspectingChat: Experiences Outsourcing Inside Sales Functions

Posted by Allison Tetreault on Thu, Jul 31, 2023 @ 10:00 AM

It's time for another #ProspectingChat over at AG Saleswork's Twitter account. As well as sharing many insights from sales and marketing thought leaders throughout the day, we will also be hosting a Twitter chat at 1:30 PM EST / 10:30 AM PST.

Date: Thursday, July 31, 2023
Time: 1:30 PM EST / 10:30 PM PST
Hashtag: #ProspectingChat

A quick overview: #ProspectingChat will focus on issues that sales, marketing, IT and tech leaders want to discuss. Each chat lasts 1 hour long. For those of you who are new to Twitter Chats, you must have a Twitter account to participate. You can join our Tweet Chat room, which allows for automatic feed updates and hashtag inclusion. Other tools to monitor the discussion are: HootSuite, Twub, TweetDeck and of course, Twitter itself. #ProspectingChat will be held every other Thursday at the same time, and the transcript will be available on Storify shortly after.

Today we’ll focus on outsourcing teleprospecting and inside sales functions. We'll ask participants to "role-play" as a new tech company and consider the various differentiators that play into the decision to insource, outsource, or create a hybrid of the two for your company's inside sales functions. 

Here are today’s questions. We encourage you to prepare your answers beforehand. Remember, they have to be 140 characters or less!

Q1: When you hear the word “outsourcing,” what do you think? What are some inside sales teleprospecting myths? 

Q2: Many tech companies face this conundrum: to insource or outsource inside sales functions. What are your experiences? 

Q3: How do you go about looking for an outsourced inside sales teleprospecting partner?

Q4: Why do some tech companies outsource their inside sales teleprospecting functions?

Q5: Is it possible for both insourced and outsourced sales functions to collaborate on lead generation? How could they work together? 

Scenario: Let's do some roleplaying here. Imagine you're the owner of a new tech company.

Q6: What is one pitfall you may need to overcome when insourcing the entire inside sales function? 

Q7: What is one of the biggest problems you face when looking for a trustworthy outsourced teleprospecting partner? 

Q8: What main questions should you ask during a discovery call with your inside sales teleprospecting partner? 

Q9: What metrics do you expect your outsourced teleprospecting inside sales partner to use to gauge progress? 

Q10: Is there any advice for outsourcing, especially for tech, that we haven’t touched on yet?

We hope you can join us today at 1:30 PM EST / 10:30 AM PST for #ProspectingChat!

Allison Tetreault is the Marketing Content Coordinator at AG Salesworks. She writes, designs and promotes new marketing content every month, monitors and produces updates for social media networks, gathers important data for marketing and sales efforts, and maximizes the potential of content marketing efforts.

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Tags: Inside Sales, Teleprospecting, Lead Qualification, Inside Sales Metrics, Sales Relationships, Sales Process, Technology, Client Relationship, Closed Loop, Outsourcing, Outbound Success, Closed Loop Feedback, Outsourcing Inside Sales, Outsourcing Teleprospecting