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Why Should a B2B Sales Company Have a Facebook Page?

AG Facebook

Let's start off by saying that the B in "B2B" does not stand for boring. B2B companies often have a stigma of being boring and a bit drab compared to B2C businesses. Newsflash: it doesn't have to be that way! 

There are a many, many key reasons why I believe that B2B companies can greatly benefit from having a company Facebook page. I'll highlight just a few main points.

Another Year in the Books: Setting Inside Sales Goals for 2014

Inside Sales Goals

Man, time goes by fast.  I know this phenomenon is talked about, written about and perhaps thought about ad nauseum, but I feel compelled every year around this time to mention it.  Mostly because as I get older (I turned 50 in November), I realize how limited our time is and I have always been a “live life to the fullest” kind of guy.  Now, as I am a bit older and have the great fortune of a beautiful family, my health, and a thriving company, I feel very thankful.  I am focused on enjoying my life, and doing the right thing both in business and in my personal life.

7 Things I Want My Inside Sales Team To Know For 2014

Inside Sales Team 2014

As I take stock of the great year 2013 turned out to be, my mind of course is now beginning to shift to 2014. There were many things that continuously reminded me of what it takes to be a well-rounded manager in 2013, and I hope to carry those criteria on to 2014. 

I'm not saying it's easy or even possible at all times to juggle the important characteristics of effective inside sales managers, but here's my take on what I feel is most valuable and what I plan to focus on next year. 

Sales Prospecting Perspectives Weekly Recap - Week of December 27, 2023

AG Snowman

Happy holidays, Sales Prospecting Perspectives readers. It's back to work at AG, as inside sales reps and managers plan for Quarter 1. Sales and marketing professionals should start off the New Year on a high note. Our advice? In these last few days, inside sales reps should continue to call, but should also review the year's progress. How much have you changed as a sales professional? What about your messaging is different now, and why? Inside sales managers, have you come up with ideas to motivate your team this past year, and what are the results? Does gamification influence your leadership style? It's important to reflect on 2013 before we move in to 2014, and then adapt our sales strategies accordingly. Below, Sam gives some good advice for how to end the year strong as well. 

Beat the Brain Fog and Think Outside the Sales and Marketing Box

Think Outside the Box

... or if you're me, cut it up, douse it with glitter and make a star instead

Everyone suffers from groggy redundancy within their job.  Whether you've written the same email 10 times already that day, you've said the same exact thing on every single phone call, or you're at the point where you're just staring at your computer screen, you need a break, a breather, and some inspiration.

Inside Sales Reps: Why Everything IS in Your Control

forrest gump running ss resized 600

I use Facebook.  So do you.  Your dog, or one of your friend’s dogs, probably has its own account.  I don’t really know why I keep using it.  Does anyone really know, though?  I guess I find some misanthropic entertainment in scrolling through the daily newsfeed to uncover anecdotal blips of ridiculous behavior.  My favorites are the self-pity posts.  These are the victimized, in which their mood has been terribly slain by the harsh reality that the newfound goal of the universe is to suppress just one individual’s complete sense of happiness and ambition.

10 Top Things Our Inside Sales Reps Are Thankful For


Happy Thanksgiving Sales Prospecting Perspectives readers! We thought it would be fitting to highlight what inside sales reps here are thankful for:

Sales Prospecting Perspectives Weekly Recap - Week of November 22, 2023

weekly recap

Good morning, Sales Prospecting Perspectives readers! We hope everyone had a fantastic week, especially those who were at Dreamforce, networking and learning more than ever about sales and technology. This week's weekly recap has a bonus at the end, so keep reading! For now, here are some of our favorite articles this week:

Square Peg, Round Hole: Align Prospects & Employees to Company Goals

Square Peg Round Hole

I’ve been in sales a long time.  More years than I care to count.  It’s been eleven years since my business partner and I founded AG Salesworks with the goal of helping sales and marketing teams succeed through identifying and delivering their ‘ideal’ prospect.  

Why New Sales Hires Frequently Fail

Sales Drive

Sales Prospecting Perspectives is pleased to bring you a guest post from Chris Croner, Principal at Sales Drive, LLC.

One of the most frustrating experiences for sales managers is hiring “hunter” salespeople who produce lackluster results in spite of their stellar interview performance.  Unfortunately, this phenomenon occurs all too frequently and results from insufficient scrutiny of candidates in the recruiting process.  One of the most common mistakes companies make in this area is failing to screen candidates effectively before moving them into the interview phase.

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