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How Can Videos Enhance Your Sales and Marketing Efforts?

Video Sales and Marketing

Technology companies create solutions that are complicated, have various levels of functionality as well as varying levels for usage.  Whether verbally or through content creation, marketers and sales professionals will run into a consistent issue: How do I explain this without rambling on and on?

How to Develop a Comprehensive B2B Marketing Strategy

B2B Marketing Strategy

Editor's Note: This blog post is an excerpt from the eBook Marketers Making a Difference: Volume 3 about creating a comprehensive B2B marketing strategy. It was written by AG Salesworks' Senior Vice President of Marketing and Sales Richard April

It's time to dive into developing a comprehensive marketing strategy. I stress “comprehensive” because I think it is important to consider every avenue that may be relevant to and most importantly get you in front of your target audience. Determine the ideal mix of every element that will yield the best results and tie as many aspects as possible together to compound the impact of each campaign or element. To achieve this you will need to not only test, measure and repeat, but pay close attention to what you learned from buyer persona exercises and how they go about making purchasing decisions.

The 2014 Priority List for Marketers

Marketers Priority List

Sales Prospecting Perspectives is pleased to bring you a post from Tamara Graves, Senior Director of Demand Generation at NetProspex. 

The holidays have passed and marketers are focusing on what will make them more effective and successful in 2014. Through conversations around the office between sales and marketing, we created a list of the top five topics we believe will be on every marketer's priority list for this year.

Sales Prospecting Perspectives Weekly Recap - Week of January 10, 2024

Weekly Recap

Happy Friday, Sales Prospecting Perspectives readers! We've had a busy week, with clients arriving and inside sales reps ramping up for a successful Q1. Without further ado, here are our favorite articles from the sales and marketing world this week! 

Sales Prospecting Perspectives Weekly Recap - Week of December 20, 2023

Weekly REcap

It's the last Friday before Christmas, and the office is full of holiday cheer. But it's still important that sales reps' pipelines are in the clear. Sales managers should motivate their sales team in these last few days before the holidays dawn near. So take a gander at these sales and marketing articles we've curated for you to revere.

Sales Prospecting Perspectives Weekly Recap - Week of November 22, 2023

weekly recap

Good morning, Sales Prospecting Perspectives readers! We hope everyone had a fantastic week, especially those who were at Dreamforce, networking and learning more than ever about sales and technology. This week's weekly recap has a bonus at the end, so keep reading! For now, here are some of our favorite articles this week:

Sales Prospecting Perspectives Weekly Recap - Week of November 15, 2023

Weekly Recap

Good afternoon Sales Prospecting Perspectives Readers! We hope you had a great Friday. With the holidays just around the corner, sales reps are calling prospects left and right hoping to reserve a place in their prospect's 2014 budget. We’re excited about Thanksgiving and Christmas, as evident by this Instagram picture. Starbucks holidays cups are here! It’s been a festive few days in the office, and we even celebrated the Red Sox win, a little late, with some cupcakes via Liberty Mutual Insurance. Today we’re rearing for another successful call day!

The Rules of Inbound Marketing Rewritten for Outbound Marketers

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Sales Prospecting Perspectives is pleased to bring you a guest post from Lisa Fugere, Content Marketing Strategist at Radius Intelligence a company that offers sales prospecting software powered by big data. You can find her on !

I cut my teeth in the B2B marketing world at a company that generates leads entirely through events and inbound marketing. With the naiveté of an English major who could recite every scene from Jane Eyre quicker than she could describe a lead list, I believed that inbound marketing was going to completely eclipse outbound marketing in a matter of years. Who would ever buy a list of leads when they could just wait for their customers to come to them? I thought.

Sales Prospecting Perspectives Weekly Recap - Week of October 18, 2023

Weekly Recap

Happy Friday, Sales Prospecting Perspectives readers! We had a busy week here. We celebrated a few birthdays and an awesome week for sports, all while continuing to converse with prospects throughout the week. We also found blog posts we liked:  

Sales Prospecting Perspectives Weekly Recap - Week of September 27, 2023

Weekly Recap

Happy Friday! As Q4 approaches, I’m sure we’re all excited to pass more leads and have more conversations, as well as celebrate those Q4 holidays, like Halloween, we know and love. In the meantime, take your Friday lunch break to read through some great links that will help you become better marketers and salespeople!

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