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Sales Prospecting Perspectives

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Is Optimism the Reason Sales Reps Are Successful?


When I meet with the newest additions to the AG family, I always make a point to let them know that we're not looking for a cookie-cutter employee. Everyone here has their own unique traits and a certain style that works for them. Using some creative license here or there is necessary when you cold call and keeps reps engaged in what many would consider the toughest part of selling.  

Why New Sales Hires Frequently Fail

Sales Drive

Sales Prospecting Perspectives is pleased to bring you a guest post from Chris Croner, Principal at Sales Drive, LLC.

One of the most frustrating experiences for sales managers is hiring “hunter” salespeople who produce lackluster results in spite of their stellar interview performance.  Unfortunately, this phenomenon occurs all too frequently and results from insufficient scrutiny of candidates in the recruiting process.  One of the most common mistakes companies make in this area is failing to screen candidates effectively before moving them into the interview phase.

Hey New Sales Managers: Don’t Forget Where You Came From!

Sales Managers

One of the things I enjoy most about working for AG Salesworks is that we're a people-first company. I know it sounds hokey, but it's true. If we didn't take care of the things that make us go, then we would have folded up shop long ago.  

How to Handle Objections as Opportunities, not Roadblocks

Handling Objections

Sales Prospecting Perspectives is pleased to bring you a post fromTiffany Fenore, a Business Development Representative at AG Salesworks.

Something that everyone in the sales profession can relate to is rejection! Most of us in business development roles experience rejection early, on a day-to-day basis, and it often starts as an objection. Objections can be viewed as a roadblock to the untrained rep and even some seasoned prospectors forget to view the response as a gateway to further the conversation. Objections are the perfect “in” to engage and challenge prospects. They have opened up the discussion and have unknowingly allowed you to cater your message to their pains and needs to see if they are a fit for your product and/or service.

There are 4 common objections we typically see:

Are You A Cynical Sales Rep?

Cynical Sales Rep resized 600

I turned the big 4-0 this year, yuck. It seems like just yesterday that I had started my sales career. Back then I would have described myself as an eternal optimist. While I wouldn't say I've changed my view point dramatically over the years, what I have noticed is not everyone has shared my bright eyed- bushy tailed view of the world. As you can imagine over time my cynical view of potential outcomes has a tendency to quickly rear its ugly head a bit faster than it would have in the early days of my career. 

Does the "Ra Ra" Approach Work for Struggling Sales Reps?


I would like to think that I'm a positive guy. It has served me well over the years in the sales game. In fact, I would argue that there is nothing more important than thinking positively... especially for those of us blessed to cold call all day long. 

How Strong Company Cultures Increase Productivity, Passion and Profit

The Upward Spiral Company Culture

Ask not what you can do for your company. Ask what your company can do for you.

In the past few years, discussions of company culture have multiplied across start-ups in Silicon Valley, trusted businesses in Boston, and several other areas around the world. Some people think company culture can be confused with perks in the office, creating confusion and toxicity in the workplace. Some people think cultures can’t be created, that they’re a product of how leaders inspire their customers and employees. Still others argue that company culture affects traditional business metrics positively, resulting in revenue growth, employment growth, net income growth, etc.

The Key Ingredient to a Successful Sales Rep


I often wish I can go back to those specific points in my career to let myself know that everything’s to be alright. You know those moments where you feel like the sky is falling and nothing is panning out they way you hoped it would?  At the time, these thoughts consume you, but a month later, you've all but forgotten it. 

Be honest: How much emotional energy did you dedicate to one lousy moment? Was it worth it in retrospect? 

5 Ways to Be a Better Inside Sales Rep

Inside Sales Rep

Sales Prospecting Perspectives is pleased to bring you a guest post from Chris Snell, Inside Sales Manager at

When I was an inside sales rep, I was always concerned about who I thought was performing better than I was.  It’s not really the best way to be.  The greatest runners in the world don’t ever look over their shoulders to see who’s gaining on them, because they know that if they take their eyes from their goal, someone right behind them will be ready to overtake their lead.  Your sales career is similar.  Keep your eyes focused on whatever prize (bigger commission, promotion, whatever it may be) you’ve set before yourself, and keep running.  Here are five things you can own to help you become a better inside sales rep:  

Sales Prospecting Perspectives Weekly Recap - Week of July 12, 2023

Weekly Recap

Happy Friday! At AG, it’s been a busy week, as everyone returned from vacation to a full inbox and several tasks to complete. In order to bring up morale around the office, we’re holding a contest that partners up inside sales reps, adding their QC numbers and lead percentages. It’s called a Tag Team Tournament, and it’s gotten everyone excited and supportive of each other’s success. The ties will be broken by a “mystery physical challenge,” which sounds both daunting and exciting. Consider pairing together your inside sales reps to harmonize your team.

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