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Sales Prospecting Perspectives Weekly Recap – Week of August 2, 2023


Weekly Recap 82 resized 600It’s finally August, the Sunday of summer. The scorching heat brings with it a bittersweet reminder that summer won’t last forever, and that fall is just around the corner. At AG, we’re celebrating the beginning of a new month with a company cruise in the Boston Harbor. We’re ready for a beautiful day on the water, filled with games, dancing and fun. I hope you’re embracing this month as well!  

This week we’d like to feature a blog post called “Does Grit Matter in Sales? by Matt Bertuzzi at The Bridge Group, Inc He spoke about the quality of “grit” in inside sales representatives, where grit means “sticking with things over the long term until you master them” according to Dr. Angela Duckworth from the University of Pennsylvania. He worked with our COO Peter Gracey to see if our employees’ grit factor coincided with their sales performance. Check out the results: over all, the higher the grit score, the higher the performance. The data is outstanding. So when hiring new sales reps, factor in their level of grit. Learn your grit score here

Now, on to the weekly recap.     

Monday: Laney Pilpel, the new Director of Customer Success at AG, wrote on Monday about the 3 Key Components to Customer Success for Inside Sales. She recommends first going back to basics, thinking about the key characteristics of successes she’s seen personally. When it comes to providing the best customer service, she says to be consistent, reliable, and proactive. Read the post to learn about how to do so in the context of customer success for your business.

Tuesday: On Tuesday, Manager of Client Operations Mike Ricciardelli wrote Mass Email Campaigns Made Easy: Gaining Traction Through Simplicity. You get them all the time: spam emails. In order to make sure your email campaigns aren’t construed as spam, Ricca recommends approaching them with personality, professionalness and conciseness. Keep the email to 5 sentences or less, with proper spacing. If you’re unsure how to organize an email, remember to cut and edit, addition by subtraction.

Wednesday: Christine Rochelle, Integrated Marketing Manager at lotus823, wrote a guest blog post for us on Wednesday, Integrating Social Media Listening Into The Sales Process. She talked about focusing on personal relationships with potential client contacts instead of rushing to close leads. But how do you maintain that relationship? Social media is a great way to do so, with Google Alerts, influencer outreach, and visitor intelligence software. Read more to find out how she recommends businesses incorporate social media listening into their strategy.

Thursday: On Thursday, I wrote, How to Write: A Grammar Guide for Marketing Content and Sales Emails. The post is brimming with specific tips for how to be consistent, concise, correct and careful, as well as how to avoid redundancy. Stay away from certain phrases such as “the fact that” and know when to use the Oxford comma. Learn more by reading and share your grammar pet peeves by commenting!

Have a great weekend, and happy start of the month! What were your favorite articles this week?

Email Strategy Success Guide

Sales Prospecting Perspectives


Thanks for the callout Allison! 
I really liked your grammar guide post, btw. I "agree with you 100%". (just kidding)
Posted @ Friday, August 02, 2023 1:21 PM by Matt Bertuzzi
No problem, Matt! I thought the grit post was very interesting, especially because the level of grit in a person is actually measurable! And thank you very much; glad you liked it!
Posted @ Monday, August 05, 2023 7:54 AM by Allie Tetreault
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