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Sales Prospecting Perspectives Weekly Recap – Week of Sept. 6, 2013


Weekly Recap Logo 96 resized 600From a marketing and a sales point of view, this week has been extremely busy. The chatter around the office has expounded as more and more people are returning from vacation. Marketing is gearing into the fall months as well, as we just released an eBook we've been working on all summer. Team leaders are working one-on-one with sales reps, and new employees are coming in every week, eager to get their hands dirty in sales. For the first week of September, we're doing great, and it can only go up from here.

In the theme of gearing into the fall months, which are usually associated with school, we'd like to share an article by sales leader Jeff Gitomer, Are Your Sales Historical or Hysterical? In the article, Gitomer details three helpful lessons he learned in his school experience and in his sales experience. He concludes that studying the history of your sales will help you become an even better salesperson. The article ends with 11.5 lessons you can use to start the fall months with a bunch of sales, including "Study backorders," "Post customer testimonials on Youtube," and "Start your own value messaging on social media." We think this comprehensive post is a must-read for marketing and sales professionals who want to get the most of their sales experience.

Now, on to the weekly recap!  

Tuesday: On Tuesday, Samantha Goldman wrote, Inside Sales Reps: Avoid Getting Too Comfortable With Your Client. There's a difference between having a great relationship with your client and being too comfortable with your client. For example, you don't want to become so comfortable that you're lazy in passing leads or too casual over the phone. Develop a relationship, but a working relationship; get the information and knowledge you need in order to have the best quality conversations for the client, and then get off the phone with him or her and start making those calls! Read Sam's post for more advice. 

Wednesday: We made a special announcement on Wednesday: Our eBook about company culture, "The Upward Spiral," is finally released to the public! I wrote a blog post, How Strong Company Cultures Increase Productivity, Passion and Profit, to tease the book. There are many contesting opinions about what  a strong company culture is and is not, and we've tried to provide a comprehensive look at the term. Overall, we've learned that culture impassions employees, inspires customers and increases profit over and over again, in what we call an upward spiral. To learn what the book includes (a helpful quiz, an appendix of internal interviews, etc.), read the post or visit this webpage!

 Finally, on Thursday, Digital Content Manager Megan Toohey wrote, Sometimes Marketing With Technology Isn't Always the Answer. The novelty of social media and emails for marketing has worn off, and Megan realized that she sometimes doesn't pay attention to marketing messages online. After networking with many attendants of Hubspot's Inbound 2013, Megan received a postcard from one person she met. This simple, two-sentence message on a sheet of paper really moved her, and she realized that, while technology is definitely important, it's not an end-all, be-all to marketing or networking. Read more about her story and her ideas for making messages stand out from the rest. 

It's a short week because of Labor Day, but we've got a lot of exciting posts for you coming up next week! Thanks, and have a great weekend! 

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