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Sales Prospecting Perspectives Weekly Recap - Week of October 4, 2023


Weekly RecapHappy Friday Sales Prospecting Perspectives readers! It’s been a busy week on the blog: we’ve been guest posting at several other blogs and a few of our BDRs have expressed interest in blogging for us. We’ve also started our social media team, here, allowing several BDRs the flexibility to expand their contribution to the team beyond their job description. Follow us on Tumblr, Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, StumbleUpon and Youtube. You’ll be seeing a variety of updates about sales prospecting, our company culture, and more!

We’d like to share with you 5 great articles we read this week and shared on Twitter:  
  1. From good to great: Why the key to success is in the data. We can all relate to that “Oops” moment in marketing campaigns. In these situations, data will save you. Learn how to utilize data for marketing success.  

  2. Fine-Tune Your Inbound by Measuring Your Outbound. Our Chief Operations Officer and co-founder wrote a guest post for HubSpot, an inbound company, about how to benchmark your outbound prospecting. This was a great opportunity to show how outbound and inbound can work together.

  3. Call Scripts Should Explain “Why” not “What.” Kevin Thornton at VanillaSoft showed us that, in sales messaging, concentrating on “Why,” not “What,” is more effective. The article includes tables with suggested messaging for call scripts.

  4. 8 Steps to Effective Content for Social Media. According to Michael Brenner, social media should tell stories while interacting and engaging with followers. He had a great Slideshare in this post. 

  5. What Teleprospecting Really Means - Insights from the BDR, Director and CEO. We wrote a guest post for iLantern this week about the meaning of teleprospecting which, believe it or not, is still a relatively new term. I interviewed a BDR, a Director and a CEO at AG Salesworks for their thoughts; see the results here!  

And here are some blogs you may have missed on Sales Prospecting Perspectives this week.

Monday: On Monday, Sam Goldman wrote It's Q4: Finish the Sales Year Strong and Steady. Q4 might mean lots of holidays, but it also, hopefully, means lots of leads. Sam offers advice for how to keep organized and continue to build a pipeline as well as pass over qualified leads. While Q4 can be an exciting time for holidays, it can also be an exciting time for sales, but only if you budget your time appropriately! Read her advice for doing so in the post.

Tuesday: On Tuesday, I wrote How to Become a Thought Leader In Your Industry. The key to becoming a thought leader is developing novel ideas or responses to issues and sharing them around. There are several tips you can follow to become a thought leader, but the most important thing to remember is that you need to be recognized as one before you become one; you can’t just claim to be one. However, there are a number of things you can do to get your name out there and be on your way to thought leadership.

Wednesday: We had a guest post on Wednesday from Beth Cohen King of iLantern called How Trigger Data Guides Workflows for Sales and Marketing. She took a quote from a Bob Dylan song, “You Don’t Need a Weatherman to Know Which Way the Wind Blows,” and showed that, sometimes in sales, you do need a benchmarker to know how well you’re doing. This is where trigger data comes in. This post shows the importance of trigger data for creating more conversions throughout the sales funnel.

Thursday: Finally, on Thursday, a new blogger posted. Business Development Representative Tiffany Fenore wrote 3 Skills Inside Sales Reps Need to Maintain Client Relationships for her blogging debut. She said that the three attributes every sales rep needs to create a lasting relationship with clients are confidence, communication and expertise. What else would you add?

As always, thanks for reading, and have a great Friday! We’ll be back next week with more posts from new and old bloggers alike!


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