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Sales Prospecting Perspectives Weekly Recap - Week of October 25, 2023


Weekly RecapGood morning, Sales Prospecting Perspectives Readers. Aren’t you glad it’s Friday? Before you celebrate the weekend by gearing up for the World Series, check out some of our favorite articles around the web this week!

  1. Rosabeth Moss Kanter shared Three Things that Actually Motivate Employees over at Harvard Business Blog: mastery, membership, and meaning. Mastery helps employees develop skills, memberships creates community solidarity within the organization, and meaning reinforces the idea of a larger purpose. Great advice for managers looking to inspire new hires or fire up old ones!  

  2. Ever wanted to know how to deliver a great buying experience? TOPO examines the 10 Ways Sales Can Deliver a Great Buying Experience in a presentation by Scott Albro. Some of the ways are: measure design specific sales plays that are truly buyer-responsive and map the buying experience from the buyer’s perspective. This was a great Slideshare, and exactly what we strive to do at AG Salesworks!
  3. Megan Heuer at Sales and Marketing: Can This Relationship Be Saved? wrote a story about the important relationships between the two departments. At AG, we think the relationship can be saved, as long as both parties communicate and strive towards alignment.  
  4. The Sales Hunter wrote that Your Passion Helps Decide Your Success. According to him, the more salespeople who are passionate simply close more sales. Being passionate, actually interested in your work, and showing empathy, can also be contagious, so sell with passion and you may inspire others around you.

And here are the articles you may have missed at Sales Prospecting Perspectives this week!

Monday: Laney Pilpel wrote How to Set Up a Successful Call Strategy for Your Calling Campaign on Monday. It’s crucial to have a healthy mix of campaigns to call, whether warm leads from marketing events, cold calls, or target accounts, so that reps are never at a standstill and time is being used wisely. According to Laney, the truth is that a sale can be found anywhere; sales reps should try all avenues. When developing a call strategy for your campaign, keep this in mind, and balance the efforts across all types of leads.

Tuesday: On Tuseday, Craig wrote Hey New Sales Managers: Don’t Forget Where You Came From! He discussed the importance of staying connected to the true heartbeat of an organization when you’re promoted to a higher position; in our case at AG Salesworks, that is our business development reps who cold call every day. Sales managers should spend time with their customers, but also concentrate no their employees as well. There needs to be an effective balance between them.

Wednesday: Mark Roberge from HubSpot asked How Does Teleprospecting Fit Into an Inbound Sales Methodology? in his blog on Wednesday. With all the recent talk about inbound sales, the idea of teleprospecting sometimes falls by the wayside. However, it’s possible to teleprospect in an inbound sales process, by properly targeting your accounts, prospecting your leads, connecting with them, and overall presenting an air of helpfulness, not pushiness. You’re a consultant, ready to listen and provide advice. This was a great guest post, and we’d really appreciate it if you read it!  

Thursday: On Thursday, CEO Paul Alves wrote Marketing and Networking, a Powerful One-Two Punch. For the first several years of AG Salesworks’ history, growth was almost 100% dependent on networking and customer referrals. Now, we have a marketing team, but within that marketing team we’re networking with others. Both networking and marketing work together to drive demand, and in this blog post, Paul describes how.  


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