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Sales Prospecting Perspectives Weekly Recap - Week of November 8, 2023


weekly recapHappy Friday, blog readers! Here at AG, we’ve been hard at work having meaningful conversations with clients and continuously calling new prospects. With two new hires on board, we’re poised to reach out to even more businesses. With a busy week behind us, we’re ready to celebrate Friday with some of our favorite articles shared on Twitter this week:   

  1. What Moneyball Can Teach Marketers about Small Business Lead Generation. With the Boston Red Sox recent World Series win, this post Darren Waddell at Radius couldn't have been more timely. Much like in the film Moneyball, marketers assess small business in a similar way that baseball traditionalists evaluate players. Learn from the World Series to update your strategies as new developments arise.  

  2. Why Sales and Marketing Don’t Get Along. This article advocates for healthy and productive tension between sales and marketing, which sometimes sparks creativity and ensures multiple sides of an issue are expressed. It's a very interesting read, and not what you normally read about sales and marketing alignment!  

  3. Does inbound marketing work for b2b? Inbound marketing does work for B2B businesses, but not alone. As we said in our webinar this week with Heinz Marketing and Radius, you need "allbound" marketing to really make your business succeed. This is a great article that compares and contrasts inbound and outbound marketing.  

  4. Is Your Customer Prepared For Your Sales Call? Demonstrate your respect for your customer and your professionalism by sharing your plan for the meeting with them, maximizing shared success. Be purposeful and direct, and your customer will appreciate that you’re not springing things on them, and will align around their goals with yours. 

  5. Email Marketers Beware: Rules for Email Engagement Are Rapidly Changing. As Gmail and Yahoo are changing their email policies, it’s important to stay up to date and continuously adapt your messaging. This article offers tips to increase customer loyalty over email by focusing on engagement. 

And here are this week’s articles at Sales Prospecting Perspectives!

How are you Keeping your Team Motivated through Holiday Celebrations? On Monday, Laney wrote a blog post about how holidays can affect a sales team’s motivation. With Halloween already past and Thanksgiving and Christmas just around the corner, Laney hoped to offer advice for celebrating festivities while maintaining quarter success, using our own Halloween party as an example. Check it out!

5 Tips On Managing CRM Data Costs. Craig Ferrara wrote about how to maintain accurate CRM data, which seems to waver every day. Data quality decays at 2% per month, so in order to address this issue, clean out old data, take the time to track your bounces and remove bad data, and train reps to proactively update the data. Read this article for more tips!

Why New Sales Hires Frequently Fail. On Wednesday, guest blogger Chris Croner detailed why many new sales hires fail. They show themselves as “hunter” salespeople in the interview, but then produce lackluster results when they actually sit down at the desk and call. Croner says that interviewers need to test for traits inherent in good sales people: need for achievement, competitiveness, and optimism. Read this article to find out how!

By Failing to Prepare, You Are Preparing to Fail. CEO of AGSalesworks Paul Alves wrote a blog post on Thursday about how to create a detailed plan and execute it correctly, revisiting and making adjustments along the way. He gave a specific example -- call goals for inside sales reps -- and outlined it completely. If you’re interesting in learning how to plan and organize better, this is a great article for you! How do you make your plan?

What were your favorite articles this week?

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