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5 Tips For Converting Leads Before the New Year


FireworksLet’s face it: As of today, we have four "real" business days left in quarter. Sure, if you happen to be in the office next week, you may be lucky enough to get your target prospect on the phone since they may have only a few meetings going on during the holiday week. Problem is, most of us I assume want to be with our families, and there is a good chance your prospect wants that as well. Since we all have aggressive goals, I think we all need to get in the mindset that next week doesn't exist and the month/quarter end is Friday. 

Now, I know there are a plethora of suggestions out there on how to push that deal over the edge before year end, but what I haven't seen much of is how a teleprospecting team get more prospects to commit to meetings before the holidays are upon us. Heck, if you're a sales rep who doesn't have a team feeding them leads, what are you doing to ensure that your 2014 Q1 calendar is booked up with meetings? We still need to build in some time for prospecting... even if your time is consumed with getting those final few deals in. Otherwise you're going to dig yourself a nice little hole to kick the year off. 

Here are five tips my team has used to convert those prospects into opportunities before the holiday week is here:

1. Ask to get time on their schedule over the first few weeks of January:

It can be pretty easy for them ask for you to follow up after the New Year. If they do that, ask to get on their calendar now for a brief intro call to discuss 2014 initiatives.

2. Circle back on your not-interested pipeline from 6 months ago:

Things can change quite a bit in 6 months. We can spend much of our time on our hot prospects, but what about the folks that already said no? There could be a few gems in there, and they may appreciate that you remembered to call them back.

3. Be cognizant that it's a busy time:

Rather than launching into your elevator pitch, be sure to address the fact that you know it's the end of the year and that you are only looking for a few quick minutes of their time. This can help to quickly diffuse the immediate frustration they may feel when you interrupt their day as they try to close out their 2013 duties.

4. Get in the holiday spirit:

It doesn't hurt to address your emails, or end a voicemail with a "Happy Holidays." Prospects are hopefully already in the spirit, so you may as well play on that a bit in order to get them to open up. Rather than sounding like every other prospecting drone out there, inject a little holiday spirit into your calls!

5. Carve out the time to do it & pound the phone!

Simple as that! We’re all getting pulled in many directions right now but you need to make the time to dial. As painful as it may seem when you’re doing it, you’ll be grateful you did when Q1 kicks off. 


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