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Why The Nitty Gritty Posting Mechanisms of Facebook Matter


Facebook Social SellingAG Salesworks is pleased to bring you a guest post from Anum Hussain, Inbound Marketing Manager for HubSpot

When I see a post on Facebook with an incredibly long, UTM riddled link ... I cringe. It only takes an extra minute to turn that into a shortened link!

I get it. Updating and maintaining your business’ various social media accounts is a time suck. The fact that you’re even using Facebook is a blessing. But if you just invested a mere extra two minutes per update to optimize that post for success, over time you’ll see your Facebook metrics improve.

Each day, 1,500 possible stories are filtered through an average Facebook user’s News Feed. But only 20% of them actually make a user feed.

If you learn how to better optimize your posts, you’ll learn how to more frequently surface on News Feeds – doesn’t that sound better than pouring budget into ad spend?

Here are three tips for optimizing your Facebook posts:

1. Reposition Non-Square Images for Optimal Appearance

Not all images are uploaded to the proper Facebook image size. In these instances, take the extra minute to reposition your photo so it appears more inviting. Unless someone can upfront understand the general idea of the photo, there’s little chance the he/she will take the time to then engage with the photo.

2. Highlight Horizontal Photos for Optimal Appearance

Now let’s say an image is far too horizontal for repositioning to work. That’s where you can highlight your photo and make it appear like a cover photo on your profile. I suggest reserving the creation of these images for an event or announcement you want to have more impact on your page.

3. Post to Timeline Before Album

As you upload all these images, where are you uploading them? Just as I cringe when I see a non-shortened link, I’m sure those of you who err on the side of organization cringe when you see random photo uploads on a Facebook Timeline.

For example, perhaps you have an ongoing album on “Behind the Scenes: HubSpot.” If you’re uploading one photo to this album, that one photo is going to receive less engagement. But if you post it directly to your timeline, the engagement of that photo will increase. After the post receives its engagement, feel free to move it to that album – but first post it standalone in order to reap the engagement benefits.

I hope you find these few quick tips helpful. If you find yourself following these practices consistently, I recommend taking the next step with the full suite of tips in this presentation I gave at INBOUND, Social Domination: How To Conquer ‘The Big 3’ Social Media Networks.

Anum is an inbound marketing manager for the inbound sales division of HubSpot. She previously led social media and content lead generation strategies for the company. Anum remains a regular contributor to the Inbound Hub and manages all content

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