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6 Reasons Inside Sales Reps Should Start Exercising Before Work


ExerciseI know a lot of people who go to the gym regularly after work, and I myself have always followed that familiar routine. It wasn’t until I started reading over all the benefits from exercising before work and talked to friends who were doing it that I decided to give it a fair shake. There are many benefits for inside sales reps exercising before work.  In inside sales, exercise before the beginning of the work day can motivate you to put your best foot forward. 

So why make the move and exercise before you go to work?

  1. You'll gain an incredible amount of energy after a workout. This energy negates any need for short-term stimulants like coffee or sugar-filled energy drinks.  When you’re tired, you’re apt to allow things to happen - such as missed cold calls - throughout the course of your day instead of taking control and making things happen. 
  2. You won't skip breakfast. I was guilty of this more than anyone I knew.  I never had the appetite in the morning before leaving or I just didn’t have enough time to throw something together.  After exercising though, there’s no way you won’t have an appetite for a good breakfast and there’s not a chance you’ll skip it.
  3. You'll have clarity, a positive mood and lower stress, three things I rarely felt when dragging myself out of bed and scrambling to the door of my car for work.  Reducing stress is one of the healthiest things we can do for our body and mind, and for our work day, especially if we want to remain optimistic when cold calling. 
  4. Exercising before work will make you a more productive person while at work.  This is important because… We all like making more money, getting job promotions or simply pumping out quality work.  When fatigue is a common denominator in your life, it’s hard to garner positive attention to you and your efforts.
  5. You gain more personal time after work.  Now the best part is you don’t have to exercise or go to the crowded gym after work.  This gives you more time to spend with your family and friends.  You can make a quality dinner or just relax and unwind.  
  6. Lastly, doing this creates a strong, long-lasting work ethic which is essential for inside sales professionals.  My attitude towards exercising before work is simple:  If you can do this regularly, then there’s nothing you really can’t do.  Hard work and dedication can lead you to most anywhere you want to be.

If you add a workout to your morning routine, you'll start seeing how the results affect your attitude towards cold calling and prospecting, ultimately making your days more successful. 

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