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How to Prospect Warm, Inbound Leads


warm leads resized 600Sales Prospecting Perspectives is pleased to bring you a post from Patrice Morrison, a Business Development Representative at AG Salesworks. 

As an inside sales rep, the majority of my prospecting has been encompassed around cold calling. But as of recently, my client has been having my team follow up with warm, inbound leads. My role is to connect with recent trade show attendees, webinar attendees, prospects that have responded to email promotions, or downloaded whitepapers from my client’s website. Many of the "prospects" I communicate with are already my client’s customers. My goal is to follow up with them and find out what their current IT initiatives are and if they are evaluating my client’s additional solutions. When prospecting warm leads, the strategy and process is much different from the typical cold calling campaign. Therefore, here are few tips for prospecting inbound leads.

1. Do not focus solely on qualifying the prospect

When you are calling on a warm list, do not automatically assume that the prospect is looking to make a purchase.  A prospect may appear on your list because they registered or attended a webinar, conference, or trade show. I often get prospects in my queue who have recently visited my client’s website or have downloaded whitepapers. These individuals are usually not decision makers within their company. The prospect may even be a current customer of my client’s, a partner of my client, or even a student looking for information for a research assignment. Because of this, it is very important to do your homework before dialing into your warm list.

Make sure you understand the background of prospect’s company and have an idea of the prospect’s role within that corporation. Another important piece of information you should research is the type of relationship your prospect may already have with your client. The prospect could very well be a current customer or partner, so be sure to cross-check your warm list with their current client list. Once you know your prospect's background, you are ready to start dialing. Take the opportunity to get as much quality information out of your conversations as possible and assess whether the prospect could potentially be a fit for your client’s additional solution.

2. Warm up your messaging!

It is your responsibility to follow up on a variety of campaigns regarding existing accounts and current customer bases. The list is often paired with information regarding the particular marketing campaign including details on the event the prospect attended or the whitepaper the prospect downloaded. Make sure you use all of that information to your advantage! I like to add as many details to my phone calls, voicemails, and emails to warm up my interactions with these prospects.  

3. Dont forget to mention your role

When engaging with current customers, make sure to mention you are aware of their relationship with your client. You may even point out that you are reaching out on behalf of your client’s sales team. It is helpful for the prospect to understand your role in the sales process. Let them know you are here to assist them with their requests and interest. And last but not least, don’t forget to thank them for being a valued customer or partner.

These tips should help you warm up your sales prospecting strategies for inbound leads. 



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