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Better Processes & Improved Focus with Queue-Based Lead Management Platforms


lead management resized 600AG Salesworks is pleased to bring you a guest post from Kevin Thornton, Executive Vice President - Sales & Marketing for VanillaSoft. 

Here is a statistic that may give you a jolt: “only 25% of leads are legitimate and should advance to sales.” (Source: HubSpot). This raises some questions:

  • Are sales and marketing in alignment on what constitutes a qualified or sales-accepted lead?
  • Am I purchasing the right lists & working with the right list providers?
  • How are leads being reviewed and passed along to my sales reps?

A lot has already been written about sales & marketing alignment and list providers.  Today I want to talk about a third point:  how is your team’s next lead reviewed and passed along to a rep?

Many of us are familiar with list-based platforms that help sales reps access a centralized data repository of potential customer records.  These types of solutions let sales reps apply filters and sift through lists of contacts to try to find the right next contact that may be the right fit for your product.  While it’s better than flipping through reams of paper, it’s still time-consuming and prone to human error.  

When you look at some of the following findings, I think you will agree that there is a need for a more productive and accurate way of distributing leads to your sales reps:

  • 45% of companies report that their salespeople need help figuring out which accounts to prioritize.
    (Source: Lattice Engines/CSO Insights)
  • 80% of the average salesperson’s day is spent on non-revenue generating activities, including not knowing where to find good prospects or recognizing them once they find them.
  • 50% of sales go to the first salesperson to contact the prospect.


So, what’s the alternative to list-based platforms?  Queue-based Lead Management.

A queue-based lead management solution handles decision making for your sales team. With queue-based lead management software, you can set up a customizable workflow that manages your team’s priorities. No more sifting and filtering by your sales reps – they stay focused because the system applies sales management’s criteria to provide the reps with the next best lead. The next-best-lead is routed into your sales rep’s queue and automatically presented to them; all they have to do is start the sales call. Removing all of the additional work required to sift through the list frees up your sales team to focus on lead nurturing and building relationships with the lead in an effort to move them closer to the buying process.

The following table shows you how well queue-based lead management performs against list-based lead management methodologies. 


List-Based Platform

Queue-Based Platform





Requires human action and decision making to move the lead forward.


Avg. 8 Calls/Hour




Automates a customizable workflow that presents the next best call.


Avg. 32 Calls/Hour

400% Increase with Queue-Based Platforms

List Penetration



Varies based on sales person’s individual input and effort.


Avg. 2 Contact Attempts



Platform automatically distributes leads evenly and thoroughly.


Avg. 7 Contact Attempts

3.5x More Contact Attempts with Queue-Based Platforms

Management Control



Varies based on sales person’s interpretation and effort.


Avg. 36% Decay Rate



Platform automates and enforces workflow logic set by management.


Avg. 6% Decay Rate

30% Lower Decay Rate with Queue-Based Lead Management Platforms

Speed to Lead



Requires human action and decision making to initiate call attempt.


Avg. 8 hours



Platform automates workflow that presents the next-best-call.


Avg. 13 minutes

37x Faster Access to Web Leads

Source:  4 Ways Queue-Based Lead Management Is Shaping The Inside Sales Industry

The next time you review your lead metrics, remember that the root cause for dips in performance can often be traced back to process and focus.  Do you have the right process in place for lead management, and does it focus your reps on the right calling behaviors?  If not, consider switching to a queue-based lead management platform. 

kevin thornton resized 600 resized 600Kevin Thornton is Executive Vice President - Sales & Marketing for VanillaSoft, a cloud-based lead management and appointment setting software provider for Inside Sales Teams. Kevin’s career spans over 20 years leading sales teams that have generated over $1B in software sales.  He is responsible for accelerating global customer and revenue growth and overseeing all new customer engagement and acquisition strategies.  In 2013, Kevin was named to the Sales Lead Management Association’s (SLMA) 50 Most Influential People in Sales Lead Management. Connect with Kevin on LinkedIn and Google+. 

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Thanks for putting forth the effort that this is taking to turn the office around. Glad to see your blog. Really great effort. Keep it up.
Posted @ Monday, April 28, 2024 4:28 AM by queue management solutions
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