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4 Steps for Inside Sales Reps Ramping Up on a New Project


Ramp Up Prospecting

The role of an inside sales rep at AG Salesworks is a unique experience. During my time at AG, I have had the pleasure of working for four separate clients. I’ve transitioned from balancing two half-time projects to working for just one client full time. Each of my clients differed vastly from the other, which made the transition from client to client very tedious. I had to endure an extensive amount of training in order to fully understand my new project. And at AG, our inside sales reps are expected to ramp up on a new project in a week’s time! Ramp ups may be overwhelming and stressful for inside sales reps, so here are 4 steps to help make your ramp-up week a smooth transition!

Step 1: Stay Organized

During ramp up week, inside sales reps are given a lot of new information at once. We learn all about our new client’s company, including their software and technology offerings. We may even need to learn how to use a new CRM. You will want to research your client and learn as much as you can by watching webinars and reading whitepapers. Sometimes, clients will even ask you to sit in on sales calls to learn more about their sales process. During this time, it is extremely important to take good notes and stay organized. You will definitely want to maintain all of this information to use as a reference in the future.

Step 2: Create a Schedule

As you can see, there’s a lot to be done and a lot of ground to cover during ramp up week. A good way to stay organized and get to everything on the agenda is to use a schedule. You may want to meet up with your manager and come up with a plan. By mapping out your goals for the week, you’ll be sure to get everything done in a timely manner.  You can schedule an appropriate amount of time to focus on researching your new client’s solutions, studying whitepapers, watching webinars, attending meetings or trainings, and participating in call shadows and mock-calling.

Step 3: Ask Questions!

You will be receiving a lot of new information at once. This is the time to ask questions and make sure you really have a strong understanding of your new client’s company. Never be afraid to ask questions! It’s good to clear things up right away if there’s any information you are unsure about. Your managers and clients will be happy to help you in any way they can.

Step 4: Relax

I know this process can be stressful. If you are anything like me, you’ll want to know everything there is to know about your new client before you start prospecting. But the truth is, it takes a while to become an expert on your project. You will learn things as you go, and over time you will build up more confidence with your knowledge of their technology. So try to relax.

By following these helpful tips, you will be ready to hit the phones for your new project in no time!

Organization Guide for Inside Sales Teams

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