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Why Some Companies Are Giving Up On Content Marketing (And Why You Should Double Down)


Sales Prospecting Perspectives is pleased to bring you a guest post from Matt Heinz, President of Heinz Marketing.

We’re such an impatient lot.  The more we can measure, the more (irrationally) we expect what we're measuring to work immediately. 

This applies to many facets of life these days, but particularly for B2B sales and marketing professionals.

Despite a clearer understanding of the buyer’s journey and timeline, we still expect our leads to convert immediately.  We expect new/cold lists to generate results right away.  We expect social selling to drive warm pipeline quickly (apparently just because it’s social).

I believe many companies have invested in content marketing with good intentions, meaning they understand it’s a longer-term investment.  Many companies who have prioritized content marketing are generating warm leads at a fraction of the cost of their competitors and peers.

That result is real, but it takes time.  I believe well-intended companies bought into the investment, but lost patience too quickly.

I’m seeing more examples of companies questioning and effectively giving up on content marketing in The Dip. 

Seth Godin a few years ago wrote a whole book about The Dip, which in summary is the point of perceived failure at which most people give up on a particular goal.  With the right discipline, focus and continued execution, the objective is still within reach.

Unfortunately, most people give up too early.  They face The Dip and move on.

The other force driving many companies away from content, of course, is quota.  Sure, an investment in content sounds good in theory.  But then revenue and sales expectations intervene.  The sales team gets anxious.  An “email next Tuesday” is scheduled instead to feed “warmer, faster” leads to the sales team.

That, of course, is a slippery slope and will get you right back into the weekly fire drill rinse-and-repeat rut you were in before (or are still in now).

So your competitors and peers are questioning content marketing.  They’re giving up.  But you?  You should double down.

I’m not writing this from an ivory tower.  I have to meet quota to match our revenue expectations as well.  But I also know first-hand that our investment in content marketing has paid incredible dividends, and continues to drive the majority of our net-new opportunities.

We don’t have a dedicated marketing team.  We don’t have a single dedicated salesperson.  But we’re generating 15-20 leads per day and growing at 20 percent top-line year over year.

That might not be enough for some.  And certainly our content marketing investment could be scaled to increase output.

But we faced The Dip and won.  So can you.

Heinz MarketingMatt Heinz, President of Heinz Marketing, brings more than 15 years of marketing, business development and sales experience from a variety of organizations, vertical industries and company sizes. His career has focused on delivering measurable results for his employers and clients in the way of greater sales, revenue growth, product success and customer loyalty. Matt has held various positions at companies such as Microsoft, Weber Shandwick, Boeing, The Seattle Mariners, Market Leader and Verdiem. In 2007, Matt began Heinz Marketing to help clients focus their business on market and customer opportunities, then execute a plan to scale revenue and customer growth. Matt lives in Kirkland, Washington with his wife, Beth, three children and a menagerie of animals (a dog, cat, and six chickens). You can read more from Matt on his blog, Matt on Marketing, follow him on Twitter, or check out his books (listed below) on


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I am looking forward to the dip so all the low value, "bang anything out to get me a few followers on Twitter" dross disappears. Hopefully this happens before everyone writes off all content as a waste of time
Posted @ Thursday, September 18, 2023 10:35 AM by Ian Gotts
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