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Use Everything in Your Teleprospecting Quiver


There are a number of items that a teleprospector needs to be equipped with in order to be successful.

If you are responsible for a teleprospecting team you might say to me, "tell me what they are, I will provide them for my team and then success is guaranteed.  Right?"

Unfortunately it is not that simple.

Sure I could provide you with a list of things that you will need:

A strong CRM with clean information (historical account data, etc), call center software, comprehensive Sales Training for the team, a clear value proposition for them to relay.  On the employee side - a motivated, hard working employee, that is a good listener and a quick thinker.

All very important items.

But the key to success is to ensure that the teleprospector is leveraging all of these tools on every call.

What do I mean?

In the world of managing a teleprospecting team, to uncover qualified opportunities you have to make sure that on every call your teleprospectors are aware of the situation going in (leveraging the historical data within the CRM, taking a look at the target organizations website, etc) and that with every connect they are not only using every tactic/skill they have to uncover a qualified opportunity but also draw as much information out of the prospect as possible.  This idea is not just relevant to conversations with contacts you have identified as the person you want to talk with, but also, and maybe even more importantly, to conversations you are having with folks as you navigate an organization.

What do I mean?

Let's say I make a phone call into an organization for which I have one contact on my list and it turns out that contact is no longer with the organization - I could take a few paths:

  • I could hang-up and do some research to find another contact (in my book this is the last resort)
  • I could ask the operator who replaced the contact
  • I could explain to the operator the reason for my call and attempt to get passed to the appropriate contact (the organization may have a policy in place that makes this choice not work)
  • I could ask for the IT help desk and leverage them as an avenue to the correct contact
All reasonable choices.

So the question I ask my team members is why would you not try them all while navigating this organization when you have a person live on the phone.

My motto - use every arrow in your quiver!  What do you think?


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