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Optimism as a Sales Tool

A few weeks ago, we had our annual sales kickoff meeting.  I presented a review of the past and present and laid out the vision of the future, and how we would get there; Operations and Marketing did the same. The theme going into the meeting was to keep the goals for each individual as well as the team, simple, clear and attainable.  Given the feedback I received I am comfortable we got the message across effectively.

I felt a strong sense of optimism upon leaving this meeting and saw immediate results upon returning to our offices. Our success in generating leads showed improvement of 20% over the previous week. I have long believed is that nothing extraordinary happens without optimism.

Optimism is contagious. I believe it is my job as a CEO to create, maintain and spread optimism.

Over my 20+ years in sales I have seen the positive effect of optimism on individual sales people and entire organizations. I recall a quote which states “If you believe you can or can’t, you are probably right.” This succinctly states the power of an optimistic attitude.

Of course, optimism cannot be created out of thin air, you must create an environment where individuals believe passionately in the vision of their and their company’s success (a subject for another blog). But once created, it must be nurtured constantly. Celebrate success, learn from failure and always behave in a way that creates opportunity. With opportunity comes success, with success comes optimism.  This is the self fulfilling, upward spiral that is optimism.

So, as the AG Salesworks team embarks on helping companies grow their revenues, I will challenge our internal team as well as the Sales and Marketing teams of our clients to make sure they replenish and nurture optimism every day. Nothing good happens without optimism.

*On a completely side note, I'm happy to announce that AG Salesworks is now part of the B2B Marketing Zone, which is a collection of blog posts and articles all about B2B Marketing. We're really excited about being a part of that wonderful community. There is a ton of great information out there about our industry, and B2B Marketing Zone collects it all; it's a great place to learn more.  You can check us out there by clicking the badge beneath the authors' pictures to your left.


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