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So, You’re a “Telemarketing” Firm?

It is my turn to share some thoughts with you - so I figured I would draw from an experience I had this weekend.

On Friday night I was out having dinner with some friends and as the night went on we ran into a group of folks that I had not met before but who knew the people I was having dinner with.  We ended up inviting them to join us, and as the story goes in most settings with folks you are just meeting, inevitably the question arose, "Matt, what do you do?"

I began to share that I worked at AG Salesworks and was responsible for managing client relationships and managing teams of teleprospectors that supported those clients.

Next question, "What do you do for your clients?"  I went on to tell this new acquaintance that, "AG Salesworks works with software/hardware firms supporting there sales/marketing departments in providing forecastable sales opportunities."

As you can imagine, this led to a number of follow-up questions and further expansion of my answer as we got into the nuts and bolts of AG Salesworks Marketing Services and Sales Opportunity Generation services.

One comment that was said during the conversation that stuck in my head:

"So, you're a Telemarketing firm?"

My answer was a resounding, "No."  Of course, needing to further clarify myself, I wanted to share with you today just how I did that.

"Well, no we are a lot more then a 'Telemarketing' Firm.  Depending on what lens you are viewing the B2B services market, this may be an accurate adjective to describe the AG Salesworks business.  In the marketplace in which we fit, we are much more than what would historically be defined as a 'Telemarketing' - (define: Telemarketing)

AG Salesworks works very closely with businesses as a partner to assist in everything from providing Marketing Services (outbound campaign creation/execution, collateral creation, etc.) to the generation of sales forecast in the form of Qualified Sales Opportunity Generation.  We apply our best practices in penetrating target accounts, holding business conversations with target prospects within in the accounts, to uncover a Qualified Sales Opportunity with an actionable next step."  The conversation then got very detailed, so check this out for the long and short of what makes up a Qualified Sales Opportunity.

See, I told you AG Salesworks was more than just a "Telemarketing" firm!

Shoot me an email if you would like to understand and explore the differences in more detail!


Great post, I think that the morale of this story could be applied to a range of industries. I think some of the traditional terms that have been applied to certain roles need to be changed or ammended to include the diversity that most businesses now have to have. For example how would anybody define everything that Virgin does.
Posted @ Tuesday, March 13, 2024 11:30 AM by Tobi Baker
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