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Keep These in Mind When Hiring Teleprospectors


I have been asked, several times, about the type of individuals I look for when hiring telesales reps. Many assume that, due to the nature of the job, we must have a revolving door of employees - this couldn't be further from the truth. 

Our people are our product, and it is imperative that we hire individuals whose values are aligned with ours and who impact our culture in a positive way.  By doing this, our turnover has been much lower then is typically seen in similar organizations.

These are the traits I look for when determining if someone is a good fit for our team:

1.  Energy and Enthusiasm - Employees with a high level of energy and enthusiasm tend to do very well in an inside sales role.  Since all communication is done over the phone, I need people who sound passionate about what they are selling. 

Good energy is contagious and I look for reps who will boost morale if need be.

2.  Inquisitiveness - People who ask a lot of questions and have a desire to learn new things tend to have a high level of success in a telesales role.  When you are speaking with prospects it is essential that the right questions are asked in order to uncover pains and needs.   People want to talk about themselves and employees who ask questions and show a high level of interest will get prospects to open up. 

This skill is also important when an employee is going through training - you want someone who will ask clarifying questions so that they clearly understand what they are being taught.  It also demonstrates their level of engagement in the training process.

3.  Positivity - Let's face it; there are days when even the most enthusiastic rep does not feel like picking up the phone.  The best reps are those that rise above that and push through.  Every one gets into a rut now and then where it seems that leads are impossible to find.  The more positive a rep stays during a dry spell the faster they will get out of it. 

I also look for my team to be positive and encouraging of one another.  I once had a new hire turn to me, after she finished her first week of training, and say "is everyone really THIS nice??"  I laughed and told her that, yes, everyone was actually that nice and that our low turnover was a direct result of our positive and friendly culture.

4.  Work Ethic - I look for people who take pride in what they do and understand that those who work hard will be rewarded.  Employees that put in extra effort and time when they are behind in their goals and show initiative in taking on extra responsibility are the ones that will move ahead.

5.  Acute Listening Skills - A telesales rep doesn't have the luxury of reading body language and picking up on non-verbal cues, therefore, they must be adept at listening for certain things that a prospect might say (or not say) that will help to uncover potential pain points.  They must also be good active listeners and remember things that a prospect said earlier in the conversation or during a previous phone call.  Strong telesales reps never cut a prospect off and instead wait for a prospect to complete their thought before asking their next question.

There are certainly other things I look for during the hiring process but these 5 traits are essential.

What else have you found to be important to look for when hiring a telesales rep?



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